Chapter 1

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I walked into my best friend, Chase’s living room with the party he was throwing in full swing. I wove my way through the mass of sweaty bodies, as I tried to escape the intense humidity that caused the tips of my bangs to stick to my forehead. The screen door rattled when I pushed it open and a rush of cool, November air, met me. Goosebumps traveled up my bare arms, for the strapless blue dress I was wearing did a poor job in protecting me from the cold. I stumbled a little over the three inch, silver heels I had on and was forced to lean forward against the wooden railing and hold the cup of untouched beer in both hands.

Maybe it was just my sobriety talking, but I was beginning to get freaked out. My pulse quickened, it suddenly became incredibly humid. I craned my neck every few moments, the feeling of being watched sent shivers through my shoulders and down my spine. It could just be me, but either way, I took the absolutely stupid initiative, and straightened up. “Hello?” I asked into the empty air. The floorboards creaked and I whipped my head around. My pulse quickened, and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears.

“Hey Chastity,” I jumped a mile in surprise. Just as quickly as my fear had risen, it fell again.

“Robbie! You scared the crap out of me!” I exclaimed.

“Well, it’s sort of what I do,” he chuckled, there are some guys who shouldn’t laugh and he was one of them. I furrowed my brow together as it got caught in his throat and turned into, more of a gurgle, than anything else. “So listen, Chastity, I have something, erm, important to ask you.” Inside I had a mini freak out, Robbie never gave up. No matter how many times I said no, he just wouldn’t get the hint. “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?”

I didn’t know what it was about this time, which was different from the last few. He seemed, sincere about it. He knew I was too nice, that was it, damn it! ‘I can’t just say no, it’ll break is heart!’ I thought to myself. “Robbie, I-”.

“Please, just listen to me, I know, I ask you out constantly, but this time I really mean it. Please Chas, just give me a chance.” He looked so genuine, so kind, I couldn’t just say no to him, even if he was one of the creepiest, and ugliest guys on the planet.

“Robbie I don’t think you understand, I can’t go out with you,” I blurted out, unsure of where this conversation was going.

“Of course you can, it’s entirely up to you,” he protested. If he kept this up, I wasn’t going to stand a chance. I would have to lie my ass off if I wanted to get anywhere with this.

“No, Robbie, it isn’t that, it’s just,” ah crap I was stuck. ‘What do I say that could possibly get me out of this?’ “Robbie, I can’t date you because,” I trailed off, ‘think Chastity, think!’ “Because, I have a boyfriend!”

“Really?” he asked, his face fell into a frown as he pondered it. “But I haven’t seen you with anybody except Chase in school, and everybody knows a guy like him wouldn’t- I mean, not that you aren’t, it’s just that he’s, and you’re, well-” he stopped trying to fix what he started to say, and settled on an uncomfortable blush.

“Well for your information,” I began out of fury, “Chase and I happen to be together.” He was going to kill me when he found out, but right then, it was Robbie repellant, and it was absolutely necessary.

I could see the wheels in his head turning as he thought about what he could say to save face. “Oh,” was the imaginative response he, ultimately, came up with. I smiled internally; maybe he would finally back off if he thought I had a boyfriend. “For how long?” he questioned, throwing me off my high.

"Oh a week or so," all Robbie needed to do was buy the story and I was home free. His brow crinkled and his cheeks slightly flushed as an idea popped into his head.

My Fake Boyfriend PREQUEL TO SUCK MY LOLLIPOPWhere stories live. Discover now