Love Somebody

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I haven't updated in a while! Sorry~ Here you go my pretties. hahaha enjoy :3

Louis woke up with a tremble of excitement, Niall had been pregnant for three weeks now. They wanted to make sure he was by the second week and they did. It confirmed they were right; he was definitely pregnant.

"Ni-bug? Wanna get ready, it's about eight thrity and the guys have been annoying me since we told them we have something to share." Louis smiled at the blonde. He already had a glow on his small body when he slept and Louis simply adored it. 

"Do I hafta get up....?" Niall groggily retorted as he curled into Louis's chest. He didn't think anywhere could feel more warm and safe then Louis. 

"Babe, I know yu don't wanna but I think we should tell them together. Okay? I think they might wanna know that we are expecting, specially Liam since he will be the best influence on 'em." Louis chuckled. Their child was obviously going to be blue eyes and brown haired and prbably a smaller boy. The thought made him smile, it was a perfect mix in his nead when he pictured the baby with all their features.

"You're happy to tell them....?" Niall didn't admit it but he thought the boys would freak out and probably hate him for basically being a chick without the fun stuff.

"Baby, aren't you happy? Don't you want a kid?" Louis felt a little scared Niall might not even want this. He did get pregnant by accident and this might be his way of saying to Louis that he wants out of this. 

"I do; trust me, having a little Horlinson makes me happy beyond reason. I'm just scared." 

"Of what?" He held nill closely and lifted his chin so they were close and looking each other in the eyes, like lovers do.

"I'm scared the guys might hate me. Why be friends like someone who's a chick, a weird thing like me who can actually give birth to a child?! And, it will hurt, will people hate our child? will the boys like 'em? How will I know if the kids will even like us? " He shook in Louis's arms.

"Babe, they will love you, the boys will love em cause it's a little minnie us, of coarse the kid will get some hate but really? Not many people will hate on an infant, yes it will hurt but I think a bit of pain is worth it for an entire life with this little kid. They love you either way, don't worry. And no matter what, always remember I love you." He said this all while he looked into the boys eyes. He soon kissed the boys lips with a chaste kiss.

"Love you too Lou Bear." He smiled at him, feeling so much more relieved than before. He knew he made the right choice when he fell for Louis, he was so happy. Sure the other guys had great qualities but Louis had the heart that would never betray him. He loved him so much.


I'm not done the book I just wanted to make a cute little filler! 

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