One direction zianourry

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Since this is on my phone I can't tell how much I've written okay? Enjoy though~!

Basically, Niall is the one everyone wants~

Niall's pov

I feel really strange lately, now I should be super happy since I'm apart of one direction but it's so hard when I keep getting eye raped by everyone. I mean everyone! I'm gay so it isn't so bad but something like last night on stage we answered a twitter question

' If harry had to choose, who would he want to make a stronger bromance with?'

normal question right? not really because his answer shocked everyone. he walked up to me, I mean we were face to face and he does the unimaginable!! he cups my arse with both of his rather large hands, pulls me closer and licks me with his long ass tongue right over my lips. when he pulled away he whispered to me about how I could get some anytime. see what I mean? weird...

then I wake up this morning with zayn half naked cuddled into me. I'm fine with sleeping with zayn because we both like to sleep for long periods of time. then as I'm finally getting to go back to sleep the door is burst through by an excited louis!

"Niiiiiiiaaaaaalllllllllllll... I'm bored! harry went back to bed, liam is visiting danielle and zayn is asleep, which I think you probably already knew." he smirked at the end of his own sentence.

"I would help lou, but zayn has me in a death grip and do you really wanna risk your life against the angry zaynie?" we both giggle in unison, well, I giggled he just chuckled. much more manly than my girly giggles. :(

"niall, I want breakfast but i dont wanna make anything, can i eat you" he winks at me causing me to blush and lose all train of thought. well i think i kinda like his little flirtacious self.

" mmmm, tempting but i think harry wants that more wouldnt he?"

"no he wanst to gobble you whole!" he screams/ whispers.

"no he doesnt! You two have your little larry stuff going on, he doesnt want me..." zayn started to stir, which was shocking since an earthquake couldnt wake him.

"I'm going to be honest with you niall, your very popular, and not just with the fans. Zayn is starting to wake because of your voice because he likes you. I don't know if harry is just sexually attracted to you but I can tell he is damn well into you! If I have to I'll be REAL honest and tell you about my little crush on you or liam's full out obsession over you. Be careful about who you spend your time with because right now it seems that zayn and I are the only ones rationally thinking righht now." he was so serious it kind of scared me. zayn doesnt like me and harry wouldnt either! liam being obsessed? never! he had danielle didnt he? and louis just dang well confessed to me! this is way to awkward even for me!

" wait lou! what do you mean by all that? I'm so confused! no one likes me, no one could ever like me..." tears started to well up in my eyes,and before I knew it lou was right in front of me wiping up my tears I didnt even know fell.

"oh baby dont cry! and dont you dare call yourself ugly or even imply it becuase all five of us are killing each other over you love! for a while I was dating eleanor thinking she would help me get over a crush on harry. yeah it started as harry, but he said he liked someone else; liam. liam rejected him due to his relationship with danielle and obsession over you. harry and I were angry with you, watching you to see what made you so much better than us but then harry started telling me about his sexual dreams and thoughts about you and I started seeing how sweet you were to everyone and realized about a month ago that I kinda like you too.

I stared at him in disbelief, so thats why about two or three months ago they were so cold to me. I cried so much thinking I did something wrong to them, meanwhile it was because they were in love with people who didnt love them back?!?!

"this is definetly not being told to liam guys." zayn mumbled while lazily getting up.

"its not true is it, zayn? I mean I wouldnt mind if it was but you know I cant take hints for the life" we all have a little chuckle.

"I know this is a little shocking ni but yeah, we do like you, and lou is also right about liam. I remember I was going to go to your house for the night because I was thinking of ordering pizza and cuddling with you but liam told me not to and he left. I found out from you the next day that you guys were cuddling and watching a movie together after getting pizza. I got so upset!" I could see zayn tense up once the front door slammed shut.

I dont know why they are so afraid of liam, he's so sweet to me, but I guess that maybe the reason... why do they keep calling him obsessive?? liam walked in and then I felt it. that fear they felt. right then. he changed from a smile directed to me to a death glare directed to lou and zayn. even I was afraid and it was no different when he ripped me from the bed and flung me over his shoulder like a potato sack. I felt completely man handled there which I am not used to at all!!

liam elegantly put me on the counter top of the kitchen and snuggled his face into my chest, while snaking his arms 'round my waist.

"no liam; why did you scare them like that? and dont ask what I'm talking about again because today was the first tome those damn glares were noticed by me and they scared the crap outta me!" his eyes watered and he just stared at me pouting just a tad. it made me feel bad for asking but I know I have to press on!

" no liam! why do you scare our best friends like that? they didnt do anything wrong! zayn and I always cuddle, unless I'm cuddling you! and lou got bored and decided to try and talk me into hanging with him since I was laying there anyways!" I yelled, not caring who was near.

"be..becuase lou likes you, and no doubt zayn does too!!! I dont want them to hurt you nialler! I couldnt bear to see them wipe your perfect smile away so easily and disregard it like it was no big deal!" He had tears streaming down his face by then, making me see that once again daddy direction was up and running. hes not obsessed, he just is trying to protect me!

" I'm not angry I just wish you wouldnt be so, menacing when you talk to them! pwease liam?" I flutter the eyelashes and puppy dog it up to make it real sellable. he sighs, meaning that I have won this one! he ruffles my hair a bit and I kiss the top of his head.

"I think I should let you know that harry likes you... and beware the party were going to tonight because he wants to pounce on a drunken little nialler..." he got quiet near the end which worried the hell outta me!

"he wouldnt do that now liam! c'mon li, harry isnt that deperate!" I start to laugh and laugh but he just looks so full of fear I stop. "would he?

'look, harry said he thinks he likes you, but hes damn sure that he wants to screw you! I dont get why hes such a jerk?! there are so many people he could meaninglessly screw so why does he choose you ni?" I had no answer to that but I could tell he wasnt lying, if he was hes a reallly good liar. I couldnt picture myself having sex with harry because I dont think of my best friends screwing me. but thinking of a curly haired cutie nipping my skin and caressing me didnt seem too bad...

"ni?? dont tell me your actually gonna let him do stuff to you?! " he shouted at me! he never shouts at me!! I was only guessing what it would feel like. I bet any of them would imagine it if they went through my damn bombshell today!

"I think I am a tad confused right now li so im going to sleep okay?"

"FINE. dont let him touch you unless your up for pain.

One direction zianourry (not completing)Where stories live. Discover now