Entry 0.2

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"Ross lynch! Freeze!" a voice called, as they walked. "What?" he turned around, as he held Autumn on his back. "I SAID FREEZE!"

The author tackled him to the ground, as Autumn cried out in pain. "What the fuck man!!!!!!!! I have a child!" he yelled at the police man, and they snatched Autumn away. "Let go!!" he screams.

Ross struggled to break free, and they cuffed him, stuffing him in the police car. "No!!!"


Ross was now in a cell struggling to keep calm. He didn't know what he did, but he was sure he did something.

"So why are you here..." a man asked him. Ross looked at him. "The fuck am I supposed to know." he grumbled. The blank walls and the bars we're absolutely discomforting. Ross stood there in silence, not wanting to have conversation with any of those assholes. "My daughter used to like you. Until your turned out to be the next Miley Cyrus." a man said that was in the same cell. "Shut the fuck up." Ross snapped at him. Foot steps we're heard, as Ross froze, looking at the figure that was standing there.


A police man unlocked the Jail cell doors, letting him out. "Bailed out. Lucky lynch." he grumbled, and led them to the exit.


They walked, in silence. The most awkward silent you could possibly ever be in. He watched her secretly. "Laura I-"

"I have nothing to say to you."

They continued their walk to his house. Ross was still drunk. In the cell, he secretly took a big gulp of beer at the back, making him full on drunk. 

Laura could sense when he was drunk, like now, at this very moment. There was no conversation between the two. Ross' eyes we're tearing. She refused to even look at him, or talk to him. She had no words. She wanted to talk to him, and look him, tell him that she loves him no matter what, apologize, kiss him, hug him, tell him everything is gonna be okay-- but that part is a lie. Everything isn't gonna be okay, and it never will be. 

As soon as they arrived to his house, it was already open. The shitty door was still there. She led him upstairs to his room, as he removed his shoes, laying in bed. She sighed, wanting to lay beside him, and caress his cheek, and kiss his nose. She sighs, and walks out of the room, walking down the steps. She ignores all the glass on the floor and the broken photographs, leaving the house, but finds Riker walking towards this way. She avoids him, and makes a run for it.


Ross' bedroom on media --


"Mm.." he opens his eyes, and finds that it was just a dream. He looks up and sees Riker standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you."

"I really have nothing to say to you." he said, covering himself with the covers. The house was freezing. "Well I have something to say to you." Riker strikes back. Ross rolled his eyes. "I need to take a bath though. "Go ahead. I can wait." he says. He rolled his eyes again, and walks to the bathroom.


Ross sank himself in the water -- with his head only sticking out-- and he was just there. Thinking. 

Why was Riker here anyway? What could he possibly say to him after all this time?

I'm sorry?

Ross sighed and continued on with his bath.


Riker sat there, and waited. And while he did, he took time to look around the place. The place was obviously dangerous for a child to live in. There  we're beer bottles in the corners of the living room which by the way, there was nothing but a couch, blanket, beer bottles and ash trays in the living room. (Plus a small The front door couldn't even close, and the kitchen barely had food. All you could see was corn flakes, milk in the fridge, 3 bowls in the cabinets, and a couple of spoons. Riker was pretty sure that the milk was expired.  Riker even noticed Ross still has the stuffed Dolphin from an Austin and Ally episode.

Ross finally came from downstairs. He was in a white plain T-Shirt, grey sweatpants, and that's it.

Ross sat with him, and looked at him. "What do you want to talk about then?" he sighs. "I wanted to talk about.. your addiction." Ross tenses up. "What addiction?"

"You know what I'm talking about Ross." Riker says. Ross rolls his eyes. "You can't call it an addiction if you don't even know how it feels." he says. "That didn't even make any sense at all." he says. "Well too fucking bad. You don't understand." Ross sighs. "Its the only way to escape reality."

"Ross, you need to stop all of this smoking and drinking. I'm really worried about you. We're all worried about you." he continues, "I'm worried about your future. I dont want you to get sick."

Ross sighs. "I know you miss Laura. But... its time to move on."

Ross' stomach cries out to the words Riker says. "I'm gonna..." he rushed to the bathroom, quickly throwing up, making loud gagging noises. Riker rushed to the bathroom, finding his brother on his knees, throwing up, holding onto the edges of the toilet. He rubs his back, trying to comfort his brother who was now crying. Riker helped him get up and washed his face, and led him to the couch.

He continued to cry. "I just miss her so much..." he sobs in his hands, as Riker sighed and pulls his brother into a tight hug. Ross cries against his chest. Riker never liked seeing any of his brothers like this. Especially Ross. "Its okay." Riker tries to comfort Ross. "Its just not fair. I hate life. Fuck this shit. I hate everyone. I hate everything. Why doesn't god just kill me already!!?!?" Ross sobs loudly. "It's gonna be okay."

"How can you say that!?!?!?"

"As John lennon once said, Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end."



long time no see


so yeah. i hope u guys liked this chapter. 

cats: if you think ross will get through this  🙏
dogs: if you think someone is gonna die 😭
fish: if you think something bad will happen🙅

lions: if you think ross will do something outstanding😎

aliens: if you think raura will happen 😶

question for today: are you on mobile or computer?

I'm on laptop. I got emojis with a key board trick 😎

anyways, good bye (my caps broke again)


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