Chapter 8 - Entry 0.1

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not edited-yes i'm alive

"Autumn! This isn't funny!" Aubree yelled. She looked in every room. She walked downstairs, expecting for Autumn to be downstairs, but she only found Laura, still crying. "D-Do you h-hate me..." She sobbed. Aubree looked down. "N-No..." She said. She went over to her, and hugged her tightly. 

"I love you mommy." She whispered. She hugged her tighter. "Where's Autumn.." She asked. 

"What do you mean? He's here."

"No he's not. i checked everywhere." She said. Laura looked around. "W-Where did he go!?" Laura got up, looking around. "Its all my fault." Aubree said, sitting on the couch. "What?"

"I told him to leave me alone. " She said. She explained what she said to him. "Sweetie... its not you're fault okay?" She said. Laura hugged her tightly. "But-"


They suddenly heard a knock at the door. Laura got up, and opened the door, and she froze.

It was the person from 2011.

The person she worked with.

The person who took her virginity.

The person with blonde hair.

The person who was depressed.

The person who she fell in love with.

 Ross. At this point, she couldn't speak. He's changed a lot. 

He looked more tired. More depressed. Autumn looked up at both of them. "Da-"

Ross put a mouth over his mouth. He kneels to him. "Go." He said. He nodded sadly, and walked into the house. They continued to stare at each other. I'm sorry. she said in her head. She couldn't speak. All she could do with think. She opened her mouth to speak, but he put a finger over her mouth. She felt tingles.

The same tingles from 2011.

She watched his body movements. He left with sadness in his eyes. She sadly looked down, shutting the door. She sighed, and she leaned against the door. "Mommy..." A voice called. She looked down  at Autumn. She hugged him tightly, picking him up. He was still light. As light as a 5 year old. "Don't ever run away again. I mean it." Laura mumbled in his ear. He nods, nuzzling into her neck. 


"That is the quote of the day, you don't know why, it just feels right." The reported said. Ross raised his eyes brows slightly, and smirked. He leaned over to Laura's ear slightly, to whisper something.


She started giggling.


Laura put Autumn down. "A-Autumn..."

"Yea?" he turned to face his twin sister. 

"I'm really sorry for what I said." she said, trying not to cry. "I-Its okay.."  Autumn said. His lips we're quivering, and he turned to his mother. "C-Can I go to um.. Kelly's house?" He stuttered, biting his lip, trying to keep from quivering. 


"Aw! Is he yours?" The woman asked her, referring to the blonde baby in the stroller, who was rolling his toy cars against his lap. "Yea. He's mine." She smiled. "Aw." The lady smiled. She kneels over to him, and began to tickle him. "Whats his name?"


"Wonderful name for a cute baby like him." She smiled. He suddenly dropped his car. His lips quivered. "Aw! Don't cry! Here you go!" She picked up the car, passing it to the 1 year old. He giggled.

The woman got up. "Well it was nice to see you." She said. "Goodbye." She waved. 



"Yes. Sure. Just please.. don't run off okay? No matter what we say, we love you." Laura said, and kissed his forehead. He nods, walked out side to his bike. He puts on his helmet, and gets on the bike. He began to ride to his friends house. He reached her house, and chained his bike on a pole. He walked to her front door, and knocked. The woman who lived with her answered. "Autumn! Come in." She said, in her accent. She was African. (As u know, Kelly lives in a foster home)

"She's upstairs."

Autumn nods, and walks upstairs. He reaches her room. He knocks. The red headed girl stood there. "Autumn-"

He quickly hugged her, crying in her chest. She was stunned at first. She hugged him back, shutting the door. They sat on her bed. She rubbed his back, whispering soothing words in his ear. But she never told him to stop crying.

There was too much going on in his life. It's too much for an eight year old. Too much for an eight year old boy who HASN'T even gone through puberty yet.

Too much for Autumn.


Ross couldn't get her out of his head. 

Should I have said something?

Should I have done something?

No. She hates you. She thinks you should die. And kill yourself.

Ross' eyes tear up. The voices are right. 

"Don't even think about it!" Linger said. Ross sighed, as she watched his drown in his sadness. She sat beside him, rubbing his back. He flinched at the feeling, but he calmed down. "I know its hard, but, you have try." she said. "Try what? My life is already over." he said.


"I hate my life. I wish I died in that bathtub." Autumn sniffled. "Don't say that." She said to her friend. "Why are you sad? What happened?" she asked. "My family hates me."

"No they don't."

"Yes they do."


"What about you! You're family completely left you! They hated you!"


"The same thing is gonna happen to me! My mom is gonna give me away! Now she has Aubree! She's fine without me!"


"No! Even-"

He felt a sharp sting against his cheek. It was now burning. "I-"

Kellumoreth rushed over to him, covering his mouth with her hands. She heard banging in the house. "Sh sh sh." She said to him. They sat in a corner, with her hands still over her mouth. "AUTUMN! COME OUT THIS INSTANCE!" A familiar voice shouted. Autumn froze.


Laura picked Autumn up from the bath. She dressed him, and suddenly heard a knock once she finished. She walked over to the door, finding a huge man standing there. "Give me you're son, or you die." he said.


Autumn's eyes began to tear up. Kellumoreth wiped his tears.


Sweaty bodies danced at the club, the night club lights going round and round, making it dark, and colorful, and cool. Alcohol smells lingered around the club. Laura shut her eyes, but she felt herself being pulled into a room. A blindfold was wrapped around her eyes. Tape covered her mouth, and clothes removed at the speed of light. Hands cuffed to the bed. She made a muffled moan as someone sucked her sweet spot. 

How did they know?

She felt familiar with this body against hers. She made a muffled scream, as she felt something go inside her. It bothered her, the fact that she couldn't do anything, as her hands we're cuffed.


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