Entry 0.4

393 28 14

notice: Part of this chapter might remind you of a movie of some type

notice 2 - Thats Gleny on the media ^^ (a.k.a the girl that was staring at Autumn)

Autumn woke up on his fathers back. He adjusted to the light, and realized he was outside on Ross' back. "Err..." Autumn groaned. "Morning." Ross replied to his sons groan. "Where are you taking me..." Autumn rubs his eyes, and wraps his arms around his fathers head, but not covering his face. "School." he responds, and continues walking. It was a humid day in California LA, but blustery at the same time. Autumn laid his head on his shoulder as he ambled. Autumn could smell his father's usual scent which you should all know, alcohol and cigarettes. "D-Dad....." 


"Did you leave because of me? Not only mom?" he asked. Ross stopped and thought for a few seconds. "No, Autumn." he tells him, in a subdued voice, as he continued to walk again. Autumn stays silent, not wanting to ask another question. He didn't want to tip his father over. God knows what he's capable of.

They had reached the school 20 minutes later, and Ross crouched, in order for Autumn to get off his back. Kids we're arriving to school as well, running up the steps. You could hear crying of Kinder-gardeners, running, laughing, squealing, all the things that Autumn could never do again.

"Dad...." he said shyly, before he left. "Yeah?"

"Could you um, take me upstairs..." he looked up at him. "Sure. I have nothing else better to do." he smiles, and takes Autumns small hand into his. They walked up the school steps, and into the building.


"Now class-"

Ross walked into the class with Autumn still holding his hand. He drops him off at his empty seat. A girl turns around to him, smirking. "Wow. You still hold your fathers hand, you have dyslexia, you have ADHD, AND you're ugly. You're a mistake." she laughed, and most of the class laughed. "Alright class, no need for that.." the teacher said, but not loud enough. Ross looked at his son, and at the girl who had insulted him. Ross walks over to her, and bangs her desk, pushing it back and forth violently, and picked up the desk, slamming to the other side of the room, making a loud boom noise.

He walks over to her,, as she is still frightened. "Your mother should have kept her legs closed." he says to her, and walks out the room.


Laura laid on the couch, trying to figure herself out. Autumn must have gone to school early. 

She laid there, still confused, still scared. She was wondering, if Ross would ever love her again.

Seeing his face again was life changing. Well, for her at least. She didn't remember yesterday, she didn't remember the day before that. She knew that she will always remember the moments, not the day. Those memories she made, are the memories that tell her story. The hardest, and saddest memories. The happiest, the greatest, was when she married Ross.

But then fucking ruined everything by just fucking around with some guys -- on purpose.

That was the most horrible part she could ever remember. All that time she wasted with those men, she could have been out with Ross, watching a movie with him, enjoy watching their son play, all these kind of memorable things she could have made, but never had gotten to make them, for just one stupid choice. 

Its like the opposite of a cliche book. 

The girl breaks the heart.

The people start doing drugs.

Either way, no matter how many times you write those kind of things, it will start being expected, and the opposite of the unexpected will start not being expected because its too unexpected. If that's even clear.

Its like you barely see any lovey-dovey books, because everyone knows that a lot of people are uncomfortable with  'cliche', so they don't write that kind of book because its too expected, but then all of the sudden, and new book comes out, but guess what? Its cliche.

And that's what makes the expected, unexpected.

Laura laid there, frozen, thinking. All she wished for was a bucket of ice cream, PJama's, and laying against Ross' chest, cuddling while eating ice cream, and watching Netflix late at night while the kids sleep. Maybe a few kisses here a there, like the good old times.

But here it is, 2022, sitting alone in the dark, with your own tub of ice cream, watching sad Netflix movies all by yourself, with no one to lean on. No pun intended.

That's what life was at this point.

The house was dark this morning. She hasn't opened the curtains, but she was afraid to. 


Autumn wrote, and drew a picture on it. The picture was on the outside, and the words in the inside.

Just like him.

He colored it everything, and he probably was a better drawer in the whole entire classroom. Others would just end up drawing stick figures.

He sighed, as right when he finished, the timer went off. "Alrighty kids. I'll be collecting these, and showing them to your parents on Tuesday! Don't forget its Teachers Conference on Tuesday!" she called out. 


Ross sat there with a green beer bottle, thinking about his first love.

He always secretly hoped that she was thinking about him too, but what was true was that she was on his mind all the time. He always thought of her when he opened his eyes in the morning, when he turned out the lights at night, 'happy hour,' or when he just stared up at the ceiling.

He was lovesick.

He never really slept.

He never really concentrates.

He was always helpless.

There's not a single pill, drug, medicine, liquid, or any sort of doctor care that could help this kind of sickness. 

The only remedy was the one who lost the person that loved them the most.




I'm good

just tired as hell... but yeah anyways, I hope you liked the chapter... new updates coming soon...GOODBYE my.... um..... uhhhhh

nvm BYE


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