Chapter 9 - Entry 0.1

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not edited lol

Autumn sighed, as he hears the teacher assign him with Kristina. Is the teacher doing this on purpose or something!?!

He fiddles around with his fingers, as she sat down on the chair next to him. Very close.

He looks around the room, looking at all his classmates. All the girls are mostly girly except Kristina and Kellumoreth. He felt a tap on his shoulder. "Autumn! Are u there?" He heard her say. He looked over at her. He was nervous for some type of reason he couldn't even explain.

Its hard to believe its only 3rd grade.

Including how deep his thoughts we're. How depressing they we're. How.. mature his thoughts we're. Too mature for just a 3rd grader. Too much for an 8 year old to handle.

The emotions we're unexplainable. He couldn't even tell if he was sad or happy.

As he drowned in his thoughts, Kristina called his name. "Autumn, whats wrong? You keep spacing out." Kristina said, raising an eye brow. He looked at her eyes. You could literally just fall in them if you stare at them for a long time. It might even give you a head ache. They're big and light blue, they shine if shes outside, or looks at a light. "Autumn. You're eyes are watery. Plus, why are you staring at me?" She asked. Autumn rubbed his eyes, feeling dizzy. He shakes his eyes, and looks at her again. "We really need to finish the work." She said, looking at her paper. Addition and subtraction. 

What cant I be subtracted from life? He thought.

"Alright class. You guys must be finished. Its been 35 minutes." The teacher said. He looked at his paper. It was blank. Has he been thinking for 35 minutes?

However, Kristina had quickly copied from someone else next to her. Typical. 

All the kids handed they're work in, and the assistant teacher, took them all to lunch. However, Autumn stayed there, sitting. Spaced out with a white sheet of paper in front of him.

The teacher walked in front of him.

"Autumn?" She called. He didn't hear her. "Autumn." She called again. He snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes?" He said. His eyes we're still red from crying before class, and the staring at Kristina.

"You didn't even touch your paper." She said. He looked at her, and looked down. "I'm sorry." He said. She chuckled and brought his chin up. "Its okay Autumn. But.. whats on your mind?" She asked. He sighed. "I can't explain." He said. She raised an eyebrow. "Try."

"You'll think I'm crazy." 

"No I wont. Please tell me. I really want to know. I'm worried." She said.

He looked down. "Fine..."


"Something bad is gonna happen, Ms Vanile. I know it. This part of me hurts a lot. I don't know whats gonna happen... This feeling in my insides are telling me something. You think I'm crazy?" He asked, looking at her. She sighed. "I don't know, Autumn."


He laid there.

The room was dark.

His sheets we're cold.

He couldn't feel anything. He could only feel the hurt inside his heart. He only saw the darkness lurking around him, adding to the loneliness. 

She's the remedy. 

But he cant get to the remedy. The remedy hates him.

Or so he thought.

Now, soft cries we're heard in the dark room. 

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now