Chapter 1 - Entry 0.1

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He sat at the bar, with his head down. "Will that be it sir?" The bartender asked him. He nodded and passed him the money, and walked out of the bar. He took out a cigarette and lit it up, and began to smoke it, as he continued walking to his house.  He walked into the house, and felt the lonely air flow across his skin. He sighed as he put his stuff down, and turned on the lights.

He huffed,and picked up a photo. Once I looked at it, I immediately slammed it to the floor. It was a picture of him and Laura. I scream my head off, and threw  everything in my sight. I sank onto the floor, and cried in my hands.

I can't go back. He thought.

I just cant. Not in this condition.

Then again, she is pregnant with their 3 month old baby boy. 

No. Wait. He couldn't go back. No.

He pulled his hair out and screamed, crying in his hands. Autumn, Laura, baby along the way. 

His future is gone. 

All gone. 

He sniffled and got up from the floor. He suddenly heard someone at his door. Shit. He thought.

"Coming!" He said, and he went into the bathroom and washed his face. He rushed to the door, and opened it. It revealed his sister. She gave him a quick hug. She smelt the scent of him. He didn't smell like that cologne he always wore. He didn't smell like Ross. He smelt like alcohol and smoke.

She pulled away. "You okay-- Wait. We're you crying?" She asked. He shook his head. "Don't lie Ross." She said. She went in, and they sat down.

"I know why you we're crying. Don't you think its time to go back-"

"Back!? Oh fuck no. How could you say that after YOU KNOW what she did to me!" He said. He was still sober. "Look, Ross. I--" She stopped talking as she saw the ash tray, and bottle of alcohol, and Broken photographs on the floor. She looked over at him. "You can't do this to yourself Ross." She sighed.

"Yes I can! Yes I can Rydel! Why the fuck would I go back there!? Just to see her holding him!?!?" He yelled.

"Who's him?" She asked. He sighed and looked down. "It doesn't matter. Just leave." He said. "But I-"

"Leave right now. I'm not afraid to press a burning cigarette against your skin. I'm not fucking afriad to hit you with a bottle. So get the fuck out." He warned. She stood up.

"What has Laura done to you..?" Tears welled up in her eyes, and she left the house, and the door slammed behind her.

He sniffled as tears flowed down his eyes. He brought his sober self upstairs to his bathroom. He took off his clothes, and turned on the bath. Once it filled up, he sat down in it starring at the wall. He closed his eyes, and went underneath the water.

Keep your head in their Ross. Maybe you can suffocate so you can die. He thought.

His own nerves pulled him back up. He groaned and leaned right back on the walls.

Maybe next time.


Sorry that was short. Only 523 words.. :p (Not including the Authors note.)

Hope you enjoyed! CYAAAAAA :D


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