Entry 0.3

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Important A/N: Alan is actually a girl.. lmao... I was getting it all mixed up. So um..... I'll just change the name into....Alana Yeah. That way I don't get confused with boy names. lol. Hope you don't mind. I'll edit the chapter before later. Alan will just be her nickname.

Song: Kids will be Skeletons by Mogwai || (Which is on the media-- I hope it works--) :3

Laura heard a knock at her door. "Coming!" She yelled. Autumn was sitting on the couch, fixing his camera. Laura opened the door, and saw two tall men. They we're police officers. "Yes officer?" She asked. "So ma'am. We're here for somebody with the name, Autumn lynch?" He said. "U-Um... why do you need him?" She asked. "Well, by law, he is ordered to Juvenile detention for shooting a man."


"No buts." He said, and he pushed her out of the way. "Uh. Mom? Whats going- Hey! Let go!" The men picked Autumn up by the arms. "Stop!"

"Quiet kid!"

"I can sue you!" Laura shouted. "Its declared by law lady-"

"I don't care! I can fucking sue you! Let him go!" She followed them outside. "Ma'am. We wish we could. But this is how its supposed to be. Its only for 3 weeks." He said. "T-Three weeks? I can't go so long without seeing him." She said. To this point, Autumn was crying in the mans arms. "Can I at least say goodbye?" She said. He sighed and gave him to her. She hugged him tightly. "Y-Your leaving me?"  He said. "I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry." She whispered, hugging him tightly. He cried. "I-I'll miss you." He said. She was bawling her eyes out. "I'll miss you too." She whispered. "Here. Keep this." She whispered, passing a necklace to him. It was an anchor necklace Ross and her wore. "Times up." He said. "Love you."

"Love you too." He said, and they took him away. Laura bawled her eyes out as the roughly tossed him in the back of the van, and they drove away. Laura sank onto the sidewalk and cried. "L-Laura?" Someone said. She looked up to see that it was Andrew. "Whats wrong?" He asked. She cried and pointed at the van in the distance. "They took him away!" She cried out. "Laura. I..." he said. "Just go!" She yelled. He sighed and left as she stayed there, bawling her eyes out. Alana stood there looking at her. She sighed and gave her a hug, as Laura cried loudly.


"Rydel, your wedding is in 1 month and 2 weeks! I'm so excited!" Savannah said, looking at her. "We should already be dress shopping!" She said. "Yeah. I know. I'm kinda nervous too." Rydel said. "About what?"

"About the wedding! " She said. "Oh right! Why are you nervous?"

"I'm getting married in a month for gods sake!" Rydel said. Savannah giggled. "Well if your nervous, thats good. Thats means your actually in love." She said. "Oh, and what about you and Riker?" She asked. She shrugged. "I dunno."

"You've been dating him for a long time now." Rydel said. "Yeah." She said. "But I don't wanna go all the way to marriage. I still don't know if its meant to be." 

Rydel thought about. She wasn't actually sure who she shipped Riker with. 

Rydel shrugged. "We'll just see."


"Whatcha doing?" Lucy asked Stormie.

"Makin' breakfast."

"Can I help?"

"Sure. Pass me the milk." She said. Lucy opened the fridge and picked up the milk. "Ooh! This heavy!" She said, and placed it on the counter next to Stormie. "Great. Eggs please. But be careful." She said. "Kay kay!"

"So where's your father?" Stormie asked, and Lucy put down the eggs. "Oh, he's upstairs playing video games with Ryland." She said. "They never stop."

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now