Chapter 10

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excuse my typos

"What happened?"

Autumn cried in Ross' chest, letting out loud sobs. Autumn's book bag was all the way at the bottom at the stair case, to leave Ross thinking, Did he just come back from school?

Ross walked into his Room with Autumn in his hands, and sat with him. "Autumn.. tell me whats wrong?" Ross pleaded. Autumn tried talking, but he was shaking and stuttering. "Calm down." Ross soothed his son, rubbing his back. Autumn stopped crying after around 7 minutes, and at last, Ross asked him, "Whats wrong?"

"I just feel so alone right now....Gosh I feel so complicated...I just want to have a normal life... be a regular little kid..." Autumn rubbed his eyes. "I feel like like right one loves me at this point because of all of my problems...." Ross removed his fist from his face. "Your....." Ross shivered to say her name. "Your mother loves you. Grandma loves you. Your uncles and your aunt love you-"

"So? So that's all I got?"

"You don't need to impress anybody, Aut." Ross said. "But what about girls?"

"I think you're too young to worry about that." Ross chuckled at his response. Autumn nods. "Me too."

"Then why ask me that?"

"Because all the kids in my class say.... lots of things..." Autumn said. Ross raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Well, for girls, make up, phones, nails, hair-"

And Ross thought in his mind, What the fuck america?

"And girls." Autumn finished his points, and Ross nearly missed half of them. "Well third grades don't have to think about that. You guys have to enjoy your childhood." Ross said. Ross looked at Autumns face. He finally noticed the bandage wrapped around his head. Ross removed Autumns blonde hair out of his face. "What happened there?" Ross said, looking and the bandage. "Cut." Autumn said. "How?"

"This guy almost sliced mom's head off." Autumn said. Ross looked at him, in an odd way. "Oh.. well...Are you fine enough to go back to your mother?" Ross said, trying to process what Autumn just said. "But dad... I don't know.. I'm still sad. I want to stay with you. I missed you a lot." Autumn frowned. Ross sighed, and helped Autumn down the stairs. "Dad.. I dont want to go." he said, with a very sad emotion. Ross opened the door, but kneels in front of Autumn. "Its okay Autumn. I'm still here for you. I love you." Ross said. He held Autumn's head, and kissed his forehead, where the bandage was. "Bye." Autumn waved, walking out the door, and turned around to look at his dad. "Goodbye, Aut." Ross waved.


"I was so worried about you! Where have you been???" Laura says protectively, hugging Autumn tightly. "Somewhere." He said, walking to the couch.

"Like where?" she asked.


sorry I have to end it there...

it my b-day....

yay... -.-

im feeling so shitty. I've had a shitty day. My mom all of the sudden says, "Stop writing on wattpad, just write on a piece of paper, and you're computer charger broke." and now i cant fucking write anymore. and then she forgot my birthday, and then when I come back home from shitty ass school, shes like, oh its your birthday right?

look. I love my mom, but not today. I bought a chocolate for myself. Now I don't wanna eat anything.

 This is just great. How fucking great. 

Can life get any worse? Oh wait, it can. 

the greatest birthday of all times. Thanks Jesus! What the fuck did I ever do to you??

im crying right now, like legit wattpad IS my life. Without it im just a person at home doing nothing. Come home, do homework, then sit.

 I have no cable, no money, and no computer? GREAT.

just great. I HATE  fucking life. I was having a conversation with a friend. I made a promise, and I'm breaking it.

Fuck everybody.

Fuck life.

I hate myself

I hate life

"oh you need to love yourself"



im so sad



2017 edit__hi there!


its ridiculous how fucking depressed i was in 2015 oh my god.....
i feel bad for my past self.. :c i wish i could have let myself know that everything was
gonna be okay.. i am now realizing though that 2015 by far was my worst year, wow... all this evidence is just 0_0 well i did delete some stuff from before, but like, thousands of people already read that but like whatever i deleted it anyway.

well i think this is back when i just entered 7th grade middle school in the begining of the year, well obviously; since it was october here, and i was really feeling like shit in 2015. That was my really depressed stage I guess...

But now its August 9th of 2017, and i am going to highschool, 9th grade...Time really flies. I'm feeling nostalgic..... ;( im gonna miss everyone

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU GUYS GAVE ME BACK WHEN I WAS LIKE A WRITING SLUT LMAO//// I'm actually getting back into it.... So I really hope that i can get everything back like how i used to have it...

but yeah once again, THANK YOU!!


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