Entry 0.3

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Ross smoked the cigarette, blowing the puff of smoke out. He almost thought twice before his first cigarette, but it was too late. It's an addiction now.
He suddenly saw something sliding through his front door. He got up from the soft black couch, and walked over to the door, bending down to reach for the paper. Once he picked it up, he sat at his couch, and read the front of the envelope:

From district 2400 California, EL244

Autumn lunches progress report:
Student works very hard in class, but seems to be out of place, day dreams a lot, and can't seem to find the right answer. Conference will be at Monday, 3:25 2022

Why would his school send him anything? Ross is a drunk. Ross smokes. Ross is a drug dealer. Ross goes to the club. Ross is depressed.

So why?

Ross questioned the letter, until he came up with a solution. Maybe it was for Laura.
How was he supposed to send it back?
He put the envelope down, and checked others. "Bills, bills, bills, Rydel, drugs-wait what?" He looked at the letter from Rydel:
Dear Ross,
I'm sorry to bother you and your life, but I was wondering if you would come to Ellington and I's house to meet Eliyah.
Your big sister, Rydel.

Ross stared at the letter. So many letters in one day. Ross though whether or not he should go.
"You should go." Linger appeared out of nowhere.
"Dude! Stop freaking scaring me all the time!" Ross complained to her. She giggled. "Whoops."
He rolled his eyes at her and got up, to put on his jacket. "Where you going?" She asked, "And why wear a jacket in California?" She asked. He looked at her. "Well, it's windy today, plus, I'm going." He said. Linger jolted up from the couch. "What!? Really!?" She said, now excited. "Yes really. Now get out of here before I change my mind." He warned, and she was gone. He exit the house, locking the door.
"Autumn. C'mon. Just for 19 minutes dude." Evan said. "But my mom is here. She's gonna be worried about me." Autumn said. "C'mon. Only for a bit..." He whines. "How old are you anyway?" He asked. "Just turned 11." He said. "I thought you were 13.."
"I know. It's because the way I act." He said. Autumn nods. "But please..." He complained. "Autumn? Who are you talking to?" His mother called, and heard her walking up the stairs. "Hide!" He semi-yelled at Evan. "Where!?!?" He panics. Autumn looked around the room for a hide out. "Erm... closet!" he said. Evan ran to the closet, shutting the doors closed. Laura suddenly walked in. "Whats going on here?" she asked. He looked at her. "Nothing, mom."

"Are you sure? Who we're you talking to?" she asked him, getting closer to him. "No one!"

"I heard your voice." she said. "So?"

"You know what Autumn? I'll let you slide this last fucking time. If you lie to me again, you wouldn't see what would come." she threatened him, and walked out the room. Evan came out the from the closet. "Wowser."

"No one says wowser anymore." Autumn said.

"Well your mom is fucking scary dude." He said. Autumn looked over at him. "What do you mean?"

"Eh just leave it." he replied back. Autumn shrugged. Evan suddenly pulled out weed, also know as a type of cigar, with no orange end. "Is that pot!?!?" he asked. "No shit." Evan chuckled. "Don't bring pot in here! My mom will smell it!" Autumn warned him. "Then lets go outside. Just ask your mom." He rolled his eyes, and climbed out the window. Autumn huffed, and walked to his mothers room. "Mom?" he called, behind the door. She opened the door. "Oh, good. Autumn. I was just about to call you. We have to go." She said. She was wearing a black leather skirt, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket -- including her leather high-heeled boots-. She had a long braid that was put to the side, along with dark makeup. She looked.... dark.

Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now