Chapter 2

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"Five? A-ah, it's just your hunch.." Jungkook denied and laughed.

"Really? Fine then. I want to fly up high, wanna join?" You asked and he nodded excitingly.

You smile at him and run fast then fly up in the sky. Jungkook followed you up in the back. After having fun for a while catching each other, you run away from Jungkook and you fly away even further before you saw a beautiful room that was surrounded by a transparent glass wall.

That room was magically floating on the clouds. Your eyes feel like they are hypnotized by it. You know what room it is, it's your working room. Where you scan around the earth, to figure out who needs your help. But somehow something about it, has some different memories.

You were so captivated by it, until you didn't realize Jungkook was hugging your waist, "Got you! I won!" He yelled and he noticed your expression, then released his grip and looked at you. "What's wrong Yoonji?" He asked after noticing your gaze.

You didn't answer him but you fly closer to that room and in no time you reach the front entrance door. Your eyes scan inside the room and it was so familiar. Everything you remembered stayed in its place but still, something is missing again and you don't know what it is.

You try to think harder but you get nothing and as a result, you lost your concentration to float and fall nonchalantly. Gladly, Jungkook was there to catch you. "Yoonji! What happened?? Why do you keep losing your focus?" He asked full of concern.

You look at him straight in his eyes when you were in his arms. Next second, you were trying to release his grip but he tightened his grip on you. "I'm okay, I just need to take a look while I'm here." You muttered.

"No. You've looked enough. I won't let you wander around again. You almost fell down twice. What if I'm not around? Now let's go back." He insisted and fly back to the palace, still keeping you in his arms.

He brought you back to your room and laid you down gently. "Jungkook, I don't want to rest. I've slept enough." You pout at him, hoping it will affect him.

"I insisted. You better stay around in the palace and not go anywhere, okay? I have the right to punish you if you don't listen to me, got it?" He hissed and you can't help but nod.

Jungkook left your room after making sure you still stayed inside. After he left, you get up from your bed and look at the sky through the window. You try to think about what is actually happening. Since you were awake, you keep feeling that something is missing or maybe someone. Every place you visit always gave that different feeling like some electric effect.

Later, you can't keep your curiousity down. So, you open up your window a little bit wider when the skies were getting darker. You climb up a bit to stand on the window entrance before you get ready to jump and fly away.

Once you break free, you fly faster to your working room. You could feel that someone is calling for you, someone is needing you. You arrived and put your hand on the transparent wall. That was like the secret lock to get in this room.

The wall that you touched suddenly sparkled and made an entrance for you to get in. Once you got in, the entrance closed automatically again, locking you inside safely.

You looked at your surroundings to enjoy the warm and cozy feeling. Everything is just how you liked it, the air, the scent and- suddenly a beeping voice came from your futuristic screen which caught your attention. It's like some PC tablet but the screen doesn't need electricity, it works magically.

You approach it and sit on your comfortable chair while checking for the beep voice that called for you. The beep was not usual. It was so strong that it disturbed your mind.

Mischievous Angel 《BTS ANGELS AU!》✓Where stories live. Discover now