Jet Ridge

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Fang sat at the edge of the hot pool, one leg dangling in the water and the other to his chest. Noah was sleeping and so was their mother. Felix was hanging out with the other dominants and Jesse was nowhere to be seen. He was probably being held in captivity. It always happened whenever there was a visiting pack regardless of the ties it had with Mount Peak. According to what his Uncles Keith and Ryan say; there are some really sick dominants out there.

He wasn't too sure what they meant by it but he had a pretty fair idea already having learnt and been exposed to more than his parents probably intended for him at such a young age of only ten.

"FANG!" The sub boy gasped and looked up but didn't have much time to brace himself as Jet came spearing into him and tackling him to the ground. Jet continued to laugh as both boys toppled into a pile.

"Ouch. That hurt a lot." Fang stated as Jet sat back on his heels sobering his laughter. The dominant boy wrinkled his nose in a friendly teasing manner.

"Oh come on! You're tougher than that." Jet exclaimed lightly punching Fang in the arm.

In the past six years since they'd first met all those years ago, they'd grown pretty close so much so that they looked forward to seeing each other every visit. Unlike Fang, Jet was an only child...well not anymore though. He had a two month old baby brother who was also going to be dominant but he didn't have many friends to hang around with. All the other dominants were either too old or too young and the subs were never let out of their parents' cave room unless a parent accompanied them plus his father told him he wasn't allowed near them. He didn't know why though.

It's why he looked forward to the Mount Peak visit where he would be able to interact with dominants and subs his age and the best part was that they weren't afraid to interact. All the other dominants back home were afraid to talk to him because he was the alpha's son. That's why he likes it here at Mount Peak. All the subs and dominants he was allowed to speak to had a high rank and weren't afraid of him. Jesse was the beta's son and Fang was the alpha's kid. The dominants were a mixture of alpha, beta and dominant with lots of influence over the pack. Here, they were equal.

"Oh, I wanted to show this really cool thing." Jet said ecstatic as he stuck his hand in the pocket of his shorts and then pulled out an object. Fang sat up pulling his knees up to his chest and watched as Jet extended his hand. "You ready?" Fang arched a brow causing Jet to giggle excitedly. The dominant boy opened his hand so that his friend could see what he held.

Fang's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in awe when he saw what Jet held. "Is that..."

"Yep!" Jet cheered fist pumping the air before Fang could finish his sentence. "That's a real tooth from a real rogue."

"How'd you get it?" Fang asked pulling Jet's hands closer for better inspection of the tooth. Jet simply chuckled before snorting as he remembered the story. Actually, he was there so it wasn't really a story that he heard. It was one he could tell.

"Okay, so it's like this. My dad and I were out in the woods one day and then this rogue had trespassed into our territory. Now the rogue, when we ran into him, he wanted to play the big bad wolf but he was no match for my dad!" Jet cheered excitedly his face bright with it and filled with pure admiration for his alpha.

Fang's face held the same expression that Jet was well expressing through his storytelling as he described down to every detail the fight between his father and the rogue. He moved around dancing from spot to spot as he mimicked his father in the fight and made sound effects with his mouth to emphasize how epic it was to him.

"My dad rules!" Jet exclaimed after he was done telling his story. "Yeah, so after dad killed the rogue, he found this tooth lying nearby and he gave it me so that I can always remember the fight and how awesome he was and just when he's not here anymore; I have something to remember him by."

The smile from Fang's face faded when he remembered that Jet no longer had a mother. She was killed by a rogue about a month after Jet's little brother was born. It's why his father hated rogues so much and it was why Jet made a point of bragging his father's wins against rogues.

Now, Jet's father and his baby brother was all he had left. Fang offered his friend a soft smile.

"It's very cool Jet. Hey, do you want to go out by the stream?" he said trying to change the subject to get Jet's mind off of his mother.

"That's a good idea. But we'll have to tell my dad and your dad. Oh, let's see if your brother and the others want to come too and let's see if we can get Jesse to come."


It took some convincing but after Fang and Jet had come together to beg Ellie, she finally gave in and agreed to go with them to the lake that way Jesse could come too and all the others. They'd pulled the old puppy dog sad face on her and she couldn't exactly say no to their adorableness.

If she thought before that Felix and Fang together was bad, Fang and Jet together was way worse. Ellie sat on the ground leaning against a boulder with Noah in her arms as she watched the boys play and splash about in the water. She'd grown very fond of Jet in the past six years and he was like a son to her. She could only imagine how he must feel being so young and losing his mother to a rogue.

Ellie watched as Jet tackled Fang into the water and splashed water on him. Jet had grown very attached to Fang in these years. They were practically inseparable when they saw each other which ticked Felix off because he felt like he was robbed 'me-time' with his brother when Jet came around. Jet was different from other dominants. He was such a fire cracker. When Fang had almost grown to hate dominants with a passion, it was Jet who taught Fang that not all dominants are that bad.

An Omega Novel: Fang (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now