The Academy

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12 years old

Fang stopped outside Jesse's cave room. He'd originally come here to seek out Jesse and to hang out with him and it's been a while since they actually hung out. The white blond sub was moving around his parents' caveroom picking up things and then walking back to his pile of furs and stuffing them into a bag.

"What are you doing Jess?" The sub stopped momentarily upon hearing his friend's voice but then continued on.


"I see that but where are you going?"

Fang was actually dreading the answer because there were only a select few he could actually hang out with and enjoy being around, Jesse being one of them. He could hang around with Nate, Avery and Felix but eventually he'd grow tired of being around them constantly and Jet only came around every few months and to wait that long just to chat with someone was like torture.

"Some academy for werewolves in Roxborough."


"Alpha said it was the only way to keep me safe until the whole rogue issue blows over." Alpha said huh? Fang turned on his heel and marched in the direction of the main chamber. Just as expected, his father was there but he wasn't alone. Two giant size men sat opposite his father. From the amount of power and authority he felt circulating the room, he knew right away they were very powerful wolves; probably alphas from other packs. But wouldn't his father have informed them if they were going to be entertaining guests?

Never mind that, he brushed it off and walked into the room regardless of the fact that those two men scared the poop out of him. "Dad, why didn't you tell me you were sending Jesse away?"

"Because you're going too." The sub stopped as those words registered. The alpha then turned to the two men sitting opposite him. "Fang, this is Trevor, he's the alpha of Roxborough and that's his father, Kane the former alpha of Roxborough."

Fang's eyes flashed to the two alphas from Roxborough then back to his father.

"What? Why?"

"It's the only way I can ensure the future of this pack and Roxborough is the safest place for you, Jesse, Felix and all the other subs and dominants your age with this rogue infestation going on." The alpha said calmly as if he were discussing the weather and not the fact that he's sending his son somewhere far from home and this coming from the alpha that not more two weeks ago was terrified to let his same two sons out the cave.

"But...but I don't want to go." Fang pleaded in a quieter voice. "I've never been that far away from home before." Jack excused himself and ushered his son outside into the corridor.

"You'll be fine. Trevor will watch over you."

"I don't need a baby-sitter." Jack let out a frustrated growl.

"He's not a baby-sitter! Why couldn't you be dominant?" Jack all but yelled to no one in particular.

"I don't know. Ask Mother Nature why she royally screwed you over." The sub commented sarcastically. Jack stared at the sub.

"Who taught you to speak like that? And sarcasm?"

"I'm looking at him." The sub retorted spitefully knowing his father was growing more and more frustrated. Fang knew just how to push his father's buttons. Jack just huffed out a frustrated defeated breath. He couldn't exactly argue with that one since he often used sarcasm and terms such as what Fang had used, sometimes way worse and Fang was using them all slowly one by one. No wonder Ellie wanted to slit his throat whenever she heard the twins use them.

An Omega Novel: Fang (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now