The Omega

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"Why didn't you ever tell me anything?" Felix asked fuming in the corner as he turned his head to look at his twin. Grief and pain racked him hard and he wanted to just hold Fang and let him know that everything was going to be alright.

"He threatened me and I figured it was better no one found out. I'd been dealt enough humiliation I didn't think I needed anymore added to it. Plus; he didn't just threaten me; he threatened you too."

Felix wanted to strangle Fang. Didn't the bastard know how much he meant to his brother? They were brothers; twins, forever and always.

What part of that did the idiot not grasp? Then again; Fang had always been the kind to put other people's safety and well being before his own.

The alpha stepped forward. "Why did he come after you?" the black haired sub let out a tired breath.

"Jackson apparently made some enemies while at the academy and that beta happened to be his most prominent. When he found out about Jackson's mate; he decided to use Jess as collateral against him. I tripped when I found out and beat him up. I gave him a scar on his face."

"Yeah! That's my brother!" Felix exclaimed like a proud mother hen earning him a glare from their parents.

"Anyway; I guess he wanted revenge which he succeeded at." Fang finished motioning to his scarred left side. Jack clenched his fist and a furious tic worked in his jaw. He so did not want to do this but it was law and anyone found breaking it; there would be a price to pay...even for an alpha.

"You know the penalty for this." Jack said the agony sounding in his voice. He looked at his son and wished with everything he had that things could be different. Sure, he liked the world he lived in but when the ones he truly loved and cared for couldn't get away with certain things, he cursed the world they lived in and all its stupid rules.

And now, because of a stupid rule set by some horny bastard as old as the first werewolf who wanted complete control over omegas; he had to condemn his own flesh and blood...his own son. And he looked at Fang he knew the sub would be alright. After all; the sub was more dominant than sub.

"I know...but is there no way you can break it?" Fang asked. Jack shook his head. Walking forward, he pulled his son into his arms and held him tightly. Something he hadn't been able to do since the sub turned sixteen.

"I have no choice but strip you of your rank thereby reducing you to the rank of omega. You will be treated as such however; I don't want you living with the rest of the omegas." Fang pulled away from his father.

"Why not? You already made me one, why not complete it?"

"Even as an omega, they don't reach your calibre." Fang arched a brow at his father.

"And where is that exactly?" Jack arched an unamused brow at his middle child. Alpha, beta, middle rank or omega, Fang would never stop trying to test him.

"Way above them." Fang grinned wide at his father causing the alpha to momentarily doubt his parentage to that psychopath. Did he forget everything what just happened? The kid's crazy...but wait, so am I so I guess I am his father. Jack thought sarcastically.


Since it had been made official that the alpha's sub son had been made an omega; stripped of his title and rank, it was revealed just how many of his own pack mates really hated him. But of all the ones to hate him; he hadn't seen it coming from one of his own friends.

During his first day as an official omega, Elliot; the other pure white sub had turned the tables on him. It was now the second day of his being an omega and the black haired sub sat in between some boulders; hiding.

An Omega Novel: Fang (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now