Chapter 11

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We walked back to the house, Gina told me my mother had left for Scotland. The last thing I told her was I hated her, but I don't. I love her a lot, and now she thinks I hate her. I phoned her and phoned her once she had landed but no answer, she obviously hates me now too. That makes two of us.

I walked into my own room and lay on my bed, this is the first time I've done that since I got out of the hospital. I wasn't comfortable being in that room but I just need to be alone. I cried into my pillow so much, my eyes were red raw. Luke was watching tv in the living room with his siblings as I told them I wanted to be alone.

My phone was ringing, it was my mum. I took a deep breath just to brace my self incase she shouts at me.

"H-hello mum"

"Hi love" she said quietly

"I need to tell you something, it's quite important"

This made me rather nervous, the last time she said that was when my dad died and Im not prepared for anymore bad news.

"I-I have.."

"You have what mum?"

"B-breast can-cancer" i could hear that tears were streaming down her face, I could feel them streaming down mine too.

"I love you mum, to the moon and back, I don't hate you I just said it in the heat of the moment. I love you so much" I was struggling to speak through the tears.

"And I love you darling, more than anything"

She ended the call and I threw my phone at the wall causing it to make a loud bang. Everyone came running through as I collapsed I tears and was screaming as loud as anything.

"Katie" Gina shouted as she ran into my room.

"M-mu-mu-mum" I was screaming over and over.

"Tell us what's wrong baby" Luke whispered

"My mum h-has c-cancer" I managed to say through all my screams and cries.

The four of them were shocked, they picked me up of the floor and lifted me onto my bed.

"NO NO NO" I sobbed into my pillow

I can't let my mum die due to cancer, it took my dad and I won't let it take my mum.

She will beat that disgusting thing called cancer.


I've been in my bed all day, I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my room now. I told everyone I wanted to be alone and they respected that, but occasionally one of them would come and check on me just incase you know? And they removed anything I could hurt myself with. Since I had my first breakdown Gina took my blades and threw them away for my own safety.

My twitter mentions were dead until I tweeted,

'@_katie get well soon mum, you'll kick cancers ass!!<3'

And my mentions blew up.

'Stay strong'

'Get well soon'

'She'll make it'

The fans have changed? They seem to like me now? Why did they put me through hell, make me nearly kill myself and then just change there tune? Hrm.

I logged into Facebook and scrolled through my notifications, wow I haven't been on here in a while. 100+ friends request, oh.

I also logged on to tumblr, I was on tumblr quite regularly but I had just noticed Luke had posted something on his tumblr that brought a tear to my eye. It was a photo of us, when we were at the beach for the first time, I love that photo. It took a while to take it because we out it on timer and we were never quick enough. I'm on Luke's back and kissing his cheek, after about 12 tried we got a perfect picture. He captioned the picture..

he kissed the scars on my skin {janoskians fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now