he kissed the scars on my skin

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"mum I'll be fine, I'll phone you every day"

"You better Katie, I'll miss you so much"

I hugged my mother good bye and walked towards the check in.

Oh yeah, Im Katie Smith, I've got long blonde hair, blue eyes and I'm very small, VERY small.

Dancing has always been my passion, ever since I could walk I've wanted to be a dancer. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland and when an opportunity to dance in Australia was offered to me I couldn't say no. I've just turned 17 so my mother doesn't think it's safe for me to be living on my own straight away, her friend Gina Brooks lives in Melbourne and she is letting me stay with her and her boys. I've never met them in person before but they all seem fine enough and it won't be for too long anyway.

The only thing that is worrying me is that I'm covered in scars, I was a self harmer for a long period in my life and its left some really ugly scars on my arms and legs. It doesn't really bother me but I'm just scared of what they will think. The weather in Australia is very different from here in Scotland, I'm normally wrapped up warm here but there it will be warm and I won't have too. Even if I do wear long sleeves and jeans all the time they are bound to notice. Oh well, fuck it.

I'm leaving for Melbourne, it will be good to get away from everything. My dad passed away when I was 14 due to a brain tumour, which caused me to have a break down and become depressed. It's been three years and I'm slowly getting better.

The plane there wasn't that bad, I slept most of the way. I woke up to find we were just landing, perfect timing.

We landed and i collected my belongings and searched around for Gina. After about 5 minutes of looking I found her standing near the exit holding a sign with my name on it. She hugged me straight away, my mum told me Aussies were very forward and welcoming but I liked her. Her smile is beautiful, the drive from the airport to their house in Glenroy was fun. Gina and I talked the whole way there, it felt like I had known her for years.

We arrived at The Brooks house, it was nice. I entered the house and in front of me was three boys. They must be her sons, I can briefly remember their names. Beau. Luke. Jai. I didn't know which one was which but Gina introduced me too them and we all go on okay.

"Hi I'm Katie"; I said putting out my hand waiting for one of them to shake it.

"Hey, I'm Beau" he shook my hand and gave me a quick smile

"I'm jai and this is Luke" they both smiled at me and also shook my hand

*Lukes POV*

"Hi I'm Katie"

Wow, this girl is beautiful. I don't believe in love at first sight but fuck me she's stunning. There is something different about this girl, she's a lot quieter than a usual person, and she looks a lot smaller too. Height wise and weight wise, but oh well it isn't any of my business. I couldn't stop staring at her, I found myself biting my lip too.


"I'm jai and this is Luke" Jai gave me a nudge which knocked me out of my thought.

I looked to the floor with embarrassment.

Great first impression luke you dick.

*Katies POV*

The three boys were gorgeous, I found out a lot about them all individually and as a group. They are part of the Janoskians, with their two best friends Daniel Sahyounie and James Yammouni.

Luke stood out the most to me, I don't know why though. He was very good looking and really nice, no Katie what are you saying? You've just got here you can't be falling for Luke already? Can you?

Gina showed me my room, it was a lovely pale blue colour. It wasn't the biggest of rooms but it was big enough for me and all my stuff. I took a small box out from my bag, and hid it under my bed. no one can find it.

I unpacked and tried to get used to my new surrounding. It is so warm. I had a big jumper and jeans on and I could feel myself overheating, but I can't take them off because I will reveal my scars and cuts. I'll just have to get used to being warm.

"Katie love, are you not warm with that jumper on?" Gina asked.

"No I'm fine thankyou, I get cold quite easily"

I took a small plastic tub out of my bag, it was my medication for my depression. I took one pill out and placed it on my tongue, I got a bottle of water out of my bag to wash the pill down with. Gina questioned me about the pill, I told her it was allergy pills.

After I unpacked and got settled in I went to sleep because I was so jet lagged, I must have slept for the rest if the day because when I woke up it was time for me to go check out my new job. I didn't know where it was so beau drove me there and collected me afterwards. It is such a amazing dance studio, the lights and the mirrors are great. They also don't force me to wear shorts or short sleeves. I love it here already.

he kissed the scars on my skin {janoskians fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now