40~ The final escape

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Newts pov.

We had been running for hours and it's been a while since I've run this long. My breathing was a little uneven but I was fine compared to the other shanks here. I see everyone stop and back up on a wall. I knew we were close.

Thomas peaks around the corner then he turns back to us with a scared and horrifying expression on his sweaty face. "Is there grievers?" Jack and Chuck speak at the same time. They were standing next to each other like best friends. Thomas nods his head and I see most of the gladers shaking in fear.

I feel a soft small hand squeeze mine and I see Taylah smiling at me reassuringly. I do the same thing back. Thomas tells Chuck, Jack and Teresa to stay at the back and to go straight to the exit while we fight. I knew he wanted Taylah to be fighting with him considering she has killed a griever.

I wasn't comfortable with her being in danger and I wanted her to be safe. "Love, you should go with them, it will be safer!" I announce to her worrying about her wellbeing. I hope she would listen to me. She is stubborn so she may not do it.

"Newt, I'll be fine, we will both make it out of here alive. I'm fighting and you can't stop me!" She speaks and i give her my best puppy dog eyes and she groaned and gave in.


I turn my head and see that most of the bloody shanks need a speech or something to motivate them. Minho seemed to read my mind.

"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?'' Minho asked...

"Go ahead," I replied. Minho nodded and faced the crowd and clapped hus hands together. I wonder what he was going to say.

"'Be careful,'' he said boringly. ''Don't die.'' some people would have chuckled at his stupid try at a pep talk but they were too scared to even squeak.

''Great. We're all bloody inspired,'' I answered sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Okay whatever. On three we run and fight till we fall or they fall. All you shanks understand?" Thomas squinted his eyes and looked over everyone who was nodding and gripping their weapons ready to use when necessary.

"Good that. 1...2...3!!!" Thomas shouted the last part and we are were running around the corner with our arms and weapons raised to kill the two ugly grievers. It's been a while since I've seen a griever up close. The last time was when I was runner...

I clicked back into action and charge full force into the griever as does the others. I hear some shouts from Chuck but I focused on helping defeat this creature.  The gladers and I eventually push the griever over the edge. 

Taylah's pov.

Teresa and I pull Chuck up while he is screaming for her to hurry up. He somehow managed to be halfway over the edge. He handed me the griever part and I handed it to Jack to hold. I should be fighting. Ugh damn you Newt. I look over to see them with no griever in sight.

I hear the familiar sound of clicking and I knew there was another griever. Teresa and Jack pull my hand to the exit and I didn't know why. Chuck wasn't waiting for anyone. He ran up ahead of us like lightening. I turn my head to see why we were running. 

A griever, oh great. The older boys stop the griever then I see another one running towards them. I soon hear an ear piercing scream and I knew some people weren't going to make it.

"There is a code!?" Teresa shouts out to no one in particular. What was the code? Thomas must of known because he yelled at Minho to tell her. Minho started to yell out random numbers which I didn't know the meaning of.

I heard a loud sound that reminded me off the maze doors opening. I saw a few of concrete doors opening and everyone ran inside. Three grievers were chasing us with their disgusting mouths trying to get at anything it could. The walls slammed down but it only got one of them.

Eventually all of the walls were down and we were safe. Thank god. We all went in it and I noticed how many of us were gone. I scanned all the people and leg out a sigh of relief. Lots of people died which is definitely sad but I'm glad that Teresa, Jack, Chuck, Thomas, Minho, Frypan and obviously Newt were OK. 

I saw a big long hall with pipes everywhere. You could either go right or left. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I jump a little in suprise. I turn to see that it's Newt. I lean into him and we comfort each other and that's when we all just started to walk right.

After a couple of minutes if walking silently, everyone was in grief of their lost friends. We stop in front of the first door that we have seen and I look up to see a green sign saying 'EXIT'

"Seriously?" Frypan questions sounding a little annoyed. Something felt off.  I didn't know what but I was scared and nervous to go in the door. What was going to be on the other side. Will we finally be safe? I felt my belly turn in knots and Thomas held his hand on the door knob.

He turned it and swung open the door to reveal something I definitely didn't expect. There was dead bodies everywhere with blood surrounding their bodies. I raised my hand to my mouth and stared at the scene. I few people stepped into the room then I went after them. Does this mean we have final escaped the maze?!!

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