7~ becoming a runner.

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Taylah's pov.

I told Newt about how I asked Chuck what I looked like and everything else and by the end of my ramble he had his mouth wide open.

I stared at the ground realizing that it was stupid thing to be upset about. He grabbed my chin with his soft hands and lifted my head so we were looking at each other straight into the eyes.

He had a concerned look on his gorgeous face " Taylah I don't have any bloody clue why you would think that you are ugly. You are gorgeous and I want you to know that no matter what any shuck face here says," he says to me and my heart flutters.

I asked him what I looked like then. I looks at me looking at all my features. "Well you have the amazing sea blue eyes, long dirty blonde straight hair with a pearly white gorgeous smile, skinny medium height," he says and I smile I guess he thinks I'm not ugly. I feel so much better after what he said to me.

I rest my head on his shoulders and whisper a thank you. After a while i get up and thank Newt once again and walk over to Minho.

He smiles at me and i ask him about the runners. I tell him that I really really want to be a runner. He says that it was quite impressive when I ran on my first day.

He says he will go talk to Alby and he goes off. After a few minutes Minho comes back and starts to speak. " I spoke to him and I told him how I think you would be an impressive runner and he said that tomorrow you can start to trail out that and if you can't be one then you can keep doing your job trails." he says with a smirk on his face.

My smile grows and I thank him while giving him a friendly side hug. we do a bit of small talk then Alby tells everyone to go to bed.

I leave and walk into my warm room. I lay down on my bed and start thinking. I try and remember a song then one comes to my head after a while. I'm pretty sure it's called black magic by someone that I don't remember but are called little mix.

Newts pov.

I lay down in my bed then i hear an angelic voice coming from Taylah's room. I hear her singing and she sounds bloody brilliant i can't hear the words exactly but i can make out a bit and she is AMAZING!!

I close my eyes and let her amazing voice make me fall asleep.

*In the morning* Taylah's pov.

I hear the annoying doors open and I'm now awake. I remember how I'm trailing for a runner I shoot right awake and get ready and do everything then head out to breakfast.

I see everyone and I sit down in between Newt and Thomas. I start eating a little of my food until I hear Newt speak.

" You have an amazing singing voice, Taylah, " he says in his British accent. What? I give him a confused look and he says he heard me singing last night. My face turns red and then every starts asking for me to sing.

I give Newt a 'thanks a lot' look and he just smirks at me. I grab my plate and say oh I would but I just finished eating. I walk away and I hear the guys laugh.

I hand my plate to Frypan and I met Minho outside who was waiting for me. " Greenie are you ready to try to be a runner?" he says while walking with me following.

I nod and say yep while popping the 'p'. He chuckles and then we were near the North side Maze wall. He says that I have to run 10 laps of the glade and after each one do a different thing.

The first lap I have to do 20 push ups 2nd one I have to do 20 star jumps 3rd I have to do 20 squats next I have to do 20 sit ups and so on with things like that.

I give him a small nod and I start doing a speedy jog. I don't want to do a full on sprint so I steady myself while still going fast but not wasting energy. After a little while I am finally done. It wasn't as bad as I thought but I was puffing lightly but I was fine after a quick drink.

He looks at me and stops his stop watch while looking down at it and his eyes widen. I ask him what the time was.

He says that I was the same time as him so I was tying the 2nd fastest in the glade. Who was the first? I'll ask him that later but i was quite proud and i could tell he was astounded by how well i done.

" Taylah I'm going to make sure your a runner!" he says with a smirk. I jump up and down and he goes to have a small talk with Alby if I'm allowed to be a runner.

I had a big smile on my face and I skip over to Newt. " and why are you so happy?" he asked. I told him how I was the same time as Minho and I may be a runner.

His smile disappeared and he looked at the ground and seemed to zone out. Why wasn't he happy for me? He looks up at me with worry on his face. I ask him why he is like that.

He figits with his hands while trying to find the words to say. He looked adorable and then he stopped and was about to say something when Minho came running up and said that Alby called a gathering of all the keepers and me.

I walk behind Minho and Beside Newt. I walk into the central hut place and see all of the keepers.

" okay now Taylah here was the same time as Minho when she did her running and that is something we can't ignore she will obviously be a important runner who we would need out in the maze. but I would like to know if you guys agree?" Alby says with a few hand gestures.

Frypan says that I should be a runner and so does Minho, Winston and some of the other keepers. The more votes I get on becoming a runner the more Newt starts to get nervous and looks more worried.

After the whole thing is done the only person who didn't agree was Gally and Newt didn't really give an answer but I could tell he wasn't keen on the idea.

I am a runner!! YAY! The boys congratulate me and I walk out with Newt following. He grabs my hand and drags me into the forest and we stop until we get to the dead heads.

We sit on a large log. Why did he bring me here? He didn't say anything the whole way here. He was sitting in front of me and grabbed me hands.

What was he going to tell me?

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