4~ being a med-jack

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Taylah's pov.

no I won't do it! You can't make me! Please don't make me. I started begging for them to not take me. I was crying and on my knees while my parents whose faces were blurred were telling me to go. Men in white suits dragged me away from my crying parents. The next thing I knew was that I was sitting at a desk with a screen in front of me. WICKED is good. whispers all around me were saying that. I nodded to the boy in front of me whose face was also unrecognizable and he got up gave me a hug and said remember WICKED is good!!

a hand was placed over my mouth as I started to breath heavily. My eyes shot open and I saw Alby standing in front of me with his finger up to his lips telling me to be quite.

What just happened before was that a dream? or was it a memory? it was to real for it to be a dream. but none of it made sense.

Alby clicked me out of my thoughts and told me to meet him outside in 5 minutes and he walked out while shutting the door behind him.

I brushed my hair and I tried my best to do my teeth without water and I got dressed into black leggings with rips at the knees. I kept on the same shirt and just put on a longish baggy jumper.

I walked out and no one else was awake yet except the runners. We stand up in front of the wall were there are names engraved in it and some were crossed out.

" I know it's hard to believe but it wasn't always this way. We had dark days. We lost a lot of boys to fear, to panic. but we have come far since then. Established order made peace." Alby says in a wise voice.

"why are you telling me this?" I ask without looking at him.

" because your not like the others, your curious. but your one of us now. I know you a girl but that doesn't make any difference. you need to know what being a glader means." Alby says turning to face me.

He hands me a knife and points to the wall. I run my hand along all of the names that were crossed out. " what happened to the ones that are crossed out?" I ask curiously. " like we said we had dark days."

I grab tighter on the knife and raise it up and find the perfect spot for it.
T-A-Y-L-A-H. I write that out and it turned out better than I thought.

Alby faces me and tells me I will be starting my jobs today. I have to try each job for two days unless it really obvious that I can't do that job. He tells me I will first be working as a med jack.

being a med jack doesn't seem that bad but I'll guess I'll have to wait. I wasn't feeling hungry today so I decided to skip breakfast and go straight over to where the med jacks work.

Clint is there and he teaches me how to wrap and injury and what to do when something happens and some other stuff. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was.

I wouldn't mind being a med jack but I got my heart set on being a runner. I don't know why it's just well 1. I love running and I'm good at it 2. I'm curious about what is in the maze 3. I feel like I can help when I'm in there.

I don't know. Anyway I get back to my training. When one of the boys who was a slicer comes in with a cut on his arm. I do everything Clint taught me and I made a bit if small chat with the guy.

He says thanks and I watch him walk out but he runs up to his mates and gives them a hi-five. I wonder why?

A few moments later another slicer comes in with his hand swollen because he dropped a something heavy on it.

I fixed up his hand the best I could while Clint just watched.

After about 3 hours or so A LOT of guys came in with all sorts of little injuries. Clint became really worried about it because he says he has never gotten this many injuries in one day.

He went to go talk to Newt and Alby about it and he said I could go to lunch. finally I was starving!!

I walk into the kitchen and lined up waiting for my food which was pancakes. I get my two pancakes and say thanks to Frypan and sit next to Chuck.

After a few minutes Newt comes in after talking to Clint. He grabs his food and sits next to me at the table giving me a smile.

" hey Taylah , why weren't you at breakfast? " he asked his British accent clearly being heard. I just told him I wasn't hungry then. I talks to Newt about all of the injuries and he says he thinks he knows why but he can't be sure yet.

After lunch I go back to work and the exact same thing happens. It was being to wear me out. I was getting tired. Guy after guy was coming in and out I never got a break.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and I was now sitting at the table with Minho, Thomas, Newt and Chuck.

I asked Minho if he ever got scared while being in the maze. He said" if you aren't scared you aren't human. same goes to you, you get scared cause your human,"

"well minho, what if I wanted to be a unicorn?" I sarcastically say to him causing Thomas to spit out his drink and start laughing.

"Taylah! " he starts " unicorns don't exist," he says to me. I swallow some of my dinner and reply with " yeah they do they are just fat, Grey and we call them rhinos."

This time is was Newt's turn to start laughing and everyone else joined in. After dinner I just layed in my room and went to sleep.

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