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Taylah's pov.

I stretch my back as I once again get woken by the annoying sound of the maze doors opening. I had another one of those memories but it still didn't help me remember anything just give me more questions.

I get out of my warm bed and walk out of the door not caring how bad my hair looks. I honestly think that it doesn't look that bad because it's really thin so it's hard for it to get knotty.

I walk towards the kitchen and I see Chuck. I really REALLY needed to go for a shower I haven't had one in 4 days the only thing helping me not stink is the deodorant.

I walk up to Chuck and I tap his shoulders and he turned to face me with a bright cheeky smile on his face. " Hey Chuck are there any showers here?" I politely ask him.

Thomas comes over and asks what we were talking about. Alby gave him and Minho the day off because they have been working really hard in the maze. I told him about how I need a shower.

Chuck nods saying there is a shower but then Thomas interrupts, " Well I think you would probably need like 2 guards or something? "he says nervously. I give him a confused look.

" just in case a guy here wanted to you know..uh.. join you," he says not knowing what words to say. oh...true.

Thomas and Chuck offer to be my guards and I gratefully agree. at least they are my friends who I trust. I walk back to my room and grab everything I need.

I walk back to Thomas and Chuck who are leaning on the outside of the showers. I nod to them and tell them I'll be a while.

I walk in and see 10 showers with walls and a door separating them all. I walk into the first one and take my dirty clothes off and step into the shower shutting the door behind me.

*40 minutes later*

I slip on one of my clean shirts. I took longer then I thought. I washed and dried my hair, shaved, washed myself and everything else.

Newts pov.

I walk back to the gardens and remember that Taylah will be working here today. YAY. okay ill be honest she is bloody beautiful she has the best personality and I love all of her flaws everything about her is perfect even if she doesn't know it.

I walk out to go find her to tell her that she has to start work and mainly cause I want to see her. I see Thomas and Chuck sitting on the ground outside the showers. What are they doing?

I walk/limp slightly over to them and flash them a confused smile. I was about to ask them why they were outside the showers. I'm guessing Thomas knew what I was going is say so he answered it already.

" Taylah wanted to have a shower and we are just guarding just in case one of these shuck faces wanted to join her." he says simply.

I feel sorry for her she has to deal with all of this. When everyone got here we were all scared but it was worse for her because she probably thought we were going to bloody rape her.

But it doesn't end for her she still has to deal with some of the stupid shanks here. It makes me so angry to know that she needs protection because of the stupid boys here. If one of them would ever hurt her I'll kick there bloody ass.

I leave the boys to it and tell them to remind Taylah when she gets out of the showers to go to the gardens for work.

I go over to the gardens while yelling at a few shucking idiots who were doing what they do best. being bloody idiots.

After a few minutes someone taps me on the shoulder. I wasn't expecting it so I jump back and was relieved to see Taylah. Her hair was still a little bit wet and she looked fresh but still gorgeous.

I looked at her amazing sea blue eyes that had Grey stripes in them. I was getting lost and just day dreaming. I snapped out of it when Taylah called my name.

I shook my head and tried to focus. I showed her how to do things and she wasn't doing as bad as I thought better than most of the gladers here.

Taylah's pov.

"it's lunch time Taylah, " Newt says in his hot British accent. I missed breakfast because I was in the showers. I was STARVING! ! I drop my basket that I was using and bolted full sprint over to the kitchen making it before most of the other guys.

I hear Newt laughing at me from behind me. I grab my lunch and sit down with Newt sitting next to me. He finished early because he had to go do something and that's when Chuck came over and started eating.

I started wondering things about myself. What did I look like? I asked Chuck what I look like. He looked at me nervously and shoved the last piece of his lunch in his mouth and ran off.

What was that for? Was I ugly? probably, why else would he run off like that. I look down my plate and I was now sure that what I looked like wasn't pretty.

My smile that I once had dissappeared and I wasn't hungry anymore. I stand up and flash Thomas a fake believable smile who was coming in for lunch.

I head over walking slowly and see Newt bending down working on the crops. He sees me and his face brightens. Why would he smile at me, at my face.

I give him a small smile back and start working. He stops what he is doing and walks over to me. I stay looking at the ground. "Taylah?" he says concerned I think he knows something is wrong.

"yea? " I say still not looking at him. He kneels down next to me and grabs my chin with his soft hand making me look him in his amazing brown eyes.

He looks me start into my eyes his face filled with concerned. "what's wrong love," Newt says my heart flutters at him calling me love. I give him a big smile saying that I'm fine and that in just tired.

He sees right through my lie and tells me to tell the truth. I don't want to be known as the weak little girl who needs help all the time. I need to show them I can handle myself. That I don't need any body. so I decided to keep my feelings to myself.

I tell him that he has to get back to work and so do I. He doesn't seem to care. He keeps asking and when I think he finally believes me he goes back to working still being a little suspicious.

*at night*

Newts pov.

Alby decided to have another bon-fire and I was talking to Minho when I spot Taylah from the corner of my eye. She was sitting by herself on the same log on the first night. She seemed to be in deep thought while watching the stars.

She seemed upset ever since lunch and she kept trying to lie to me saying that she was fine. But it was obvious she wasn't. I could see right through all of her lies. I walked up to her and she didn't seem to notice me until I sat beside her.

She whipped her beautiful hair around and gave me a smile that most people thought would have been real. I asked her again what was wrong and she replied with saying that she can't tell me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, why couldn't she tell me , was it me, did I do something to upset her, I hope not. "if I tell you then I'll appear weak," I look at her confused and she continues " if all the boys here think I'm a weak little girl then they will think I'll be an easy target, and I don't want to be known as the girl that is upset and always needs someone's attention." she says looking away from me.

My heart sinks a little. It would be so hard to have to keep your feeling in all the time. She doesn't need to be strong all the time she is allowed to be upset. I tell her that everyone needs someone and that I'll be her someone.
She gives me a real smile and leans her head on my shoulder whispering a thank you. " So are you going to tell me?" i ask hoping i can know what's wrong so i can fix it straight away.

She opens her mouth and starts to tell me what's wrong.

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