10~ the midnight talks

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Taylahs pov.

He looks down at the ground and swallows a lump in his throat. His eyes start to get watery and he tries to turn to hide them from me.

I scoot closer to him and gently put my hand on his chin and make him face me. I instantly felt regret. I shouldn't have asked him, it was to soon it's obviously very hard for him.

" No, Taylah it's fine," he chokes out. wait, oh crap I spoke out loud again. I gotta stop doing that. I grab his hands comfortably and tell him that he doesn't have to tell me.

"No I guess it's time you found out, I need to tell you... A while ago long before you came, all hope in me was gone I thought there was no getting out, no happiness in the future, no point in l-living." he says while looking deep into my eyes and closing his eyes at the memeory.

I gulp and hope what he tells me next isn't what I think it is. He couldn't of, no. I nod for him to continue and giving him a squeeze of the hands to tell him it's OK.

"... so one day when I was at my breaking point I climbed half way up the bloody maze wall and I jumped, I wanted to die Taylah I couldn't live another day here. But my foot got caught on the ivy and my leg took most of the impact. I shattered my leg and that's how I got my limp. Every since that day I told myself to be strong to never think that again and I've gotten better, I'm glad I lived I'm glad I met you! " he finishes giving me a small smile.

A tear escaped my eyes. How could he, I understand how hard it must of been I just couldn't imagine him doing that! It was heartbreaking to know someone wanted so badly to die. I'm just so happy to know that he is better and that he is still here with me.

He rubs his thumb against my face and wipes away the tear. I look up to him and both of our eyes were watery. I pulled him into a massive hug. " promise me never again?" I asked while my head was on his chest.

"Never again," he says barely audible. We sit there for a whole just hugging the we go back to watching the stars.

"Hey Taylah, you know you are actually really good at singing from what I've heard!" Newt says breaking the silence. I blush and thank god it's dark so he couldn't see.

He asks me to sing for him. I try and think of a song, I search through the parts that I remembered,like I remembered watching a movie but not who with. I chose a song that I remembered it called 'like I'm gonna  lose you' (by Meghan trainor).

I nod and I start to sing the song.

I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows we were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone

I woke up in tears
With you by my side
A breath of relief
And I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow

So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna hold you
Like I'm saying goodbye wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted 'cause we'll never know when
When we'll run out of time so I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

I kept singing until I fished the whole song. After I did it there was a silence and I turned to face Newt who wasn't saying anything. 

Newts pov.

Wow!! She is even better face to face, how does she not see how beautiful she sounds. It's bloody incredible I was speechless!! The lyrics to the song she song it so meaningful and my heart melted at her voice.

She was now facing me and I had a massive smirk on my face. She raised her eyebrows and her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. She was giving me the look saying 'what do you think'.

I told her that she was truly gifted and that she should sing to some of the boys. She thought about it for a second then said she would sing if they asked but she doesn't want to sound cocky.

I gave her a hug and then she said "We should probably  get back now Minho  probably  thinks we're doing the dirty," she said laughing to herself. I roll my eyes knowing that exactly what he is probably thinking. 

We walk all the way back to the gale hand in hand and I walk her to her room. She asked if I wanted to come in and of course I agreed.

Her room was so much warmer than outside and I'm glad I'm inside. Everyone else had gone to bed and I think it was just us up. 

I sit down next to her on the bed and I see her yawn and she covers her mouth with her hand. I can tell she is exhausted but didn't want the gladers  to know when she was tired or upset but I would probably  be doing the same if I was the only girl. 

I kiss her on the forehead and tell her to get some rest. I get up and was just about to leave  until she stopped me "Newt can you please stay?" she asked shyly in a whisper.  

I grin slightly, well of course I would want to stay I think to myself. I mentally thank her for asking me. That means we can I cuddle and I want to spend the night with her.

Taylahs pov.

I asked if Newt wanted to stay and he agreed. I wanted him to stay because we'll why not I'm dating him and also because I wanted to cuddle and I was scared because sometimes at night I get these little memories or nightmares.

I push the thoughts out of my mind and get ready for bed. He takes his shirt off and I can't help but stare at his drop dead gorgeous  body. I mean who wouldn't want to stare? I swear this guy was made in heaven.

I unwillingly pull my eyes away from him because I didn't want to get caught staring. I jump into bed snd he soon follows. His body instantly warms me up while he lays down flat with my head resting on his bare chest with his arms securely  around me.

He plays with my hair and he can tell I liked it. We have some small talk and before I was about to drift off into sleep, I apologize to Newt.

He gets confused  and I'll explain. "Some nights I have nightmares and I'm sorry if I wake you up I'll try not to," I say my voice a little muffled. He tells me it's fine and that be gets them to sometimes and that I can wake him up at any hour if I need him. I lean up and peck him on the cheek and we both fall asleep cuddling.

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