36~ Everybody hide

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It feels like forever since I've done Newts pov so I'll have it in this chapter at some point. It's at the end sorry

Tayah's pov.

"Wait. You found the griever home and you want us to go in?" Chuck says while running up to Minho and I. Everyone's eyes were now on us. I told them that this could be our way out.

Every person had hope and fear in their eyes except of course Gally. All he had was anger. I heard him yell from behind me 'Or maybe there is a dozen grievers on the other side! Truth it Taylah doesn't know what she's done as usual!'

That's it. I've had enough of Gally klunk. I turn around not wanting to hide my anger. "Yeah well at least I'm doing something instead of hide behind these walls all these years!" I scream at him throwing my hands around. "Listen, slinthead You've been here for how long? I've been here three years!!" He growls putting as much venom into his voice.

But I wasn't done. I wasn't backing off. I'm suprised Newt hasn't stopped us yet, not that I'm complaining. "Yeah you've been here 3 years and your STILL here! What does that tell you maybe you should start doing things a little differently!" I yell furiously.

Before I Gally could say anything back I hear a voice yelling at us. "HEY GUYS IT'S ALBY.. he's awake!" Teresa says getting our attention. Wait what? Awake? Chuck noticed the confusion on Minho awakens mine faces. "When you guys left Teresa gave us these things that were the antidote so Alby is better.." Chuck says nervously.

I nod and Newt,Minho, Teresa and I make our way over to the Med Jacks were Alby is being held. We walk into the doors and for the first time in my life I saw Alby crying, he looked broken, hopeless.

Newt walks over carefully to his shaking friend. Newt crouches down to his level and asked him if he was okay. Alby didn't answer. Newt looked at us worriedly wondering what to do or say. Before anything else could be said something weird happened.

A loud screeching familiar sound erupts throughout the whole glade making a few people jump. What was that? We all run outside desperate for some answers. As soon as I am in the open I realize what was going on. My heart pounder and fear instantly took over. The maze doors...they weren't closing.

Newt hurriedly asked what was going on to Winston and just as what I though Winston said the maze doors weren't closing. We jogged over towards the completely open doors and stare into it...waiting for something to happen. Another loud boom indicating all of the doors opening.

It was night time and the walls were the only thing that protected us from the grievers. But now that they can get in...they are going to try and kill us. Every one knew it but we're to scared to open there mouths and state the horrid truth.

A loud screech came from with in the maze and didn't sound to far away. Newt quickly got into action and ordered some people to go get the weapons from the map room. Just as the few people ran off the first hideous hungry griever raced across the corner and was coming straight for us.

"EVERYBODY HIDE!!!!" Thomas yelled and started to run. Newt grabbed my hand and started to drag me with him. I saw Jack standing there frozen in his standing position most likely in fear. I pulled out of Newts grip and grabbed Jack by his already dirty shirt to get him to safety.

Newts pov.

I ran as fast as my limp would let me with Taylah and Jack beside me. We were about to run for cover but a griever jumped out at us. I heard my brothers scared voice scream in terror. I felt bad for him, he didn't deserve this, he deserved a good life.

Now wasn't the time to be thinking that, now was the time to survive. I pulled out my machete and held it up in defense. We started to back up wanting to get as far away as thus evil creator was possible.

It had been a while since I've seen one, I saw one once back when I was a runner and I was only a kid then, scared the klunk out of me. Before it could get any closer I hear Jack scream, thankfully not in pain, as he charges towards the beast with a glass with fire at the top.

He sends it flying at the griever and sets it a light. It's whole body goes up in flames and I could feel the heat. This was a quick chance we had to get away from it. We ran again not wanting to look back, I could hear the metal legs stomp onto the ground making shivers crawl down my spine.

It got closer and closer, as I thought it was a inch close I hear screaming. Some were in the distance of pain but there were some people charging with spears and whatever weapons they could find. They threw them at the monster and it stumbled bit wasn't dead.

We all ran I'm any direction. Screams of pain, fear and sadness filled my ears and broke my heart each time. Why was this happening? I get snapped out of my thoughts as I feel someone's hands grasping my shirt pulling me sideways. I see it was Taylah dragging me to wear some of the gladers were trying to get us inside.

I ran and I was soon inside, safer than outside, but still not safe enough. We were all waiting in a deathly silence, all breathing heavily and no one daring to speak. Just as I thought they had gone I hear and loud bang.

The roof of the boulding crumpled down as a griever comes in trying to grab at someone. We were all in a safe distance except for one unlucky person. I screamed his name trying to get us attention. "JAACCKK!" I scream and start to run towards him. A griever latched onto his body and pulls him upwards.

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