3~the great bon-fire

861 16 15

Greenie's pov.

Gally lunges forward at me giving me a good hard punch. I fall down onto the ground and he starts laughing I whip my feet around and make him fall right next to me.

He was surprised so I had a short time advantage. I lift my arm up and elbow him right in the stomach then get up and go to punch him in the face but he rolled out and I ended up slamming my fist hard on the ground.

He grabs my arm and twisted it behind me back. I wince in pain but I step on his foot which causes him to losen his grip and I elbow him in the stomach then his face.

He falls back grabbing his face then soon recovers. He grabs my hair and yanks it down I groan in pain as he bangs my head onto the dirty cold floor. He sat on top of me and went to go slap me.

I lifted my legs and wrap them around his neck and pull him back and he hits the ground. I don't know where I learnt all of this but I'm glad I know it. He jumps up and stumbles a bit.

I jump and spin around and giving him a good kick in the process. Then I raise my hands to give him a hard shove where he lands on his ass outside of the circle.

He looks at me shock pain and blood all on his face. I could feel warm blood dripping from my forehead my lip and a few cuts and bruises. but he looks way worse. I won!! I bet Gally!

He finally gives up and my pain soon get washed over with being proud. I smirk at him while he growls at me shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

Soon everyone in the glade is cheering me giving me high fives and the med jacks give me a tissue to wipe of the blood and gives Gally more tissues than me because he needed more.

Gally called me a cheater so I told him to go fuck himself. On the side of the circle i hear a boy that shouted " girl, you don't have balls you can't be using that sort of language your supposed to be a lady." I turn to the guy who said it.

It was a tall skinny black haired guy who looked like a slicer or a builder. I smirked and replied " I have balls they are just on my chest and I can guarantee that they are much bigger than yours."

The boys face turns beet red and him and his group of friends quickly leave the crowd while the other guys are shouting things like:

"oohhhh burrnnnn!!"

I laugh quietly to myself. Newt walks up to me and he has a massive grin on his face. " I can't bloody believe it! You just smashed Gally ,a lot of the guys here wouldn't be able to do that! Remind me to never make you angry," he says to me while giving me a hi-five.

"Well there is a reason for me being able to beat him," I say. Newt knew I was going to say something sarcastic so he just played along and asked my what the reason was.

"Because I am the queen!!" I shout throwing my hands outwards dramatically. He laughs and says that I am just like Minho. Sassy and Sarcastic. I'll take that as a compliment.

I stare at Newt for a little while and there being a comfortable silence in the air. He had these amazing eyes that I could just lose myself in. and not to mention everything else.

My thoughts were interrupted as Chuck comes up to me and also had a big smile on his face because of the fight.

"I have said it before and I will say it again. Girls are amazing!" chuck says in one big breathe. We all laugh and I see Frypan writing something on a piece of work out paper.

I walked up to him and asked what he was writing. He says that everyone is allowed to write down a few requests for the creators to bring up next time they send the box up to the glade.

I looked over at the dirty paper and saw that he had written marshmallows. Of course he would write that. But hey I'm not complaining marshmallows would be so yummy at this time.

Taylah... Taylah. That name runs past my mind. Wait!? my name! my name is Taylah I shout. I get a few hugs and people start cheering my name. I'm so relieved I finally know my name

The rest of the night I talked to some people and had some good laughs like Thomas who only came here a month ago i found out, Chuck, Minho, Newt and some others.

Alby grabs everyone's attention and he says that it's time to wrap up the night. I say goodnight to the guys then start to make my way to my room.

I open my door then go inside the warm room and I lay in bed thinking about everything. It was crazy that all of this was happening. Why would people want to put us here? Is there a way out?

A million other questions raced through my head but I knew that I had to be patient and that some of them in time would be answered.

I lay in bed and just think until sleep takes over.

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