35~ The discovery

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Taylah's pov.

We had been running for hours and we only just arrived at the what Minho likes to call 'The blades'. I now know why. We were fast walking just to catch our breath. It was so hot. I swear I was going to die of a heat stroke.

Minho was feeling the heat as well. We were both sweating like a pig and panting like a dog. The sweat was beading off of my forehead and I swallowed my saliva. We were only walking for a short time until I starting to hear something strange. Tick, tick, tick.

Minho didn't seemed to notice but when I stopped it got his attention. Where was it coming from? Minho walked towards me and the sound got louder. I roughly grab Minho quickly and turned him around to see if I was correct as to where the sound easy coming from.

The thing that was inside the dead griever that I killed was beeping. I grabbed it out and Minho looked at it in confusion. I started to walk to see what would happen and it got louder and faster. I stepped back and it changed back to quiet and slow.

I decided to try and see if this was like a hot and cold thing. I began jogging with Minho following. I walked one way and it was going slower so I went another direction and it kept getting louder and louder until we were met with a dead end.

It was a massive stone wall. Until we heard something change. The dead end was actually some sort of doorway. It opened up and there was a few more behind it then they were all up. I looked at Minho who looked confused ,worried and hopeful that this was a way out.

Was this it? Was this our way out? There was what seemed like a hole in the at the end of the passage and we carefully walked closer to it. Nothing happened at first we were just staring into a pitch black hole but suddenly there was this weird sound and a light went off. I noticed that there was griever slim on the side.

A red laser scanned us and we heard a grumble. I saw Minho look up and he quickly snatched the metal piece out of my hand and shoved it in his back pack. "Shank we gotta get out of here, NOW!" Minho yells in full panic mode.

I look up and see the doors shutting. Minho had already began running and I was soon one his heels. We were out of that area but I noticed that the blades were moving so they would close and trap us in. Minho noticed and we started to sprint.

My legs were striking on the ground like lightening and I passed a few blades. Minho made it to one side but it shut on me so I had to run upwards further. I pushed myself forward and saw Minho running while yelling at me to run.

That's what I did. I ran and ran until I saw my last chance and I went for it. I charged sideways and just made it through. "You lucky son of a bitch" Minho yells while grabbed my shoulder. We made our way out of section 7 and back towards the glade.

We spent most of the run back talking about what it was. We both agreed that it is obviously some sort of way out. I told Minho how I saw the griever slim and that made him stop in his tracks.

"Wait so you think that the griever hole is our way out," Minho says slightly scared. I nod and tell him that their way in might be our way out. He nodded and we kept running back to the glade anxious to tell the gladers the news.

Just as we started to run again but the ground started to shake. I looked up and my eyes widened in horror as I saw the ground breaking. Concrete was flying everywhere and things were breaking or changing all around us. Some sort of huge metal thing was falling and it was going to land on both of us.

We started to run. Once we though we were safe from that massive falling thing I noticed that there were many other doing the exact same thing. My heart started to pound and adrenaline raced up into me. I started to bolt dodging all of the falling things.

Suddenly Minho grabs my shirt sleeve and pulls me sideways into this little hidden section. We crawl through it and it was starting to close on us. We fell our and landed on the hard dirty floor. I hit my head but it didn't hurt. I was more concerned about what was going on.

After a while we were back on track and made our way back to the glade once again. I was still in shock as to what just happened. I mean it was all so sudden and confusing. I pushed all of my questions to the side and focused on getting back to the glade, back to Newt.


We ran out of the maze doors and everyone was waiting for us because the maze doors were about to shut. Newt come up and pulled me into a hug not caring that I was sweaty. We were all walking and it was crowed. "We found the griever hole and we think that it's our way out!" Minho announced.

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