Chapter Twenty-Six

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Helloooo! Happy Memorial Day! I love four-day weekends :D Now only 7 days of school left to live through and then exams and then outttt!! Whoop! I hope you all have a good end of year or um middle of year I suppose if you’re in some place like Australia, I dunno. But yeah, so I’m thinking there’s going to be around 30 chapters in Omega, so we’re getting pretty close!! Thank you so much for all your support and PLEASE keep voting and commenting! It means loads to me! love you all!

Gracias! <3 vb123321 :)

Chapter Twenty-Six

♥         Astrid       ♥

I could never say later how long we were there in that alley, just Charlie and I and the wind that chilled my cheeks and gently stirred his hair. He lay unmoving with his head in my lap, his blood-covered chest barely rising and falling with each shallow breath. The limp state of his body and his unresponsiveness scared me, my voice echoing in my own ears as I tried to talk to him. He was dead to the world – but suddenly that expression had an entirely different meaning.

His hand was icy cold in mine, his face so white that his skin was nearly translucent. I did my best to wipe the blood and sweat off his face, pressing the corner of my sweatshirt sleeve to a trickle of blood on his temple. I forced all thoughts out of my head, trying to stay sane. Unaware of anything but him and me, I kept talking, afraid that if I stopped, he might slip away.

“Come on, Charlie, stay with me, I need you here, you hear me? You’re not allowed to die, I’m not going to let you – I can’t lose you, too…”

The tears were still streaming down my face unheeded as my voice trembled. My gun had been thrown on the ground and was now several feet away from me, regardless of the fact that Cloying’s men were so close. I couldn’t bring myself to care about that danger, focused on the much more prominent terror before me. My heart was still cracking with grief, my body shaking as the tears slid down my cheeks; it felt like someone had taken a machete to my chest, and I couldn’t let that happen again.

“Stay with me,” I begged in barely a whisper, knowing that it wouldn’t help – it hadn’t helped last time, had it? Jay was gone, shot to pieces on some road in the middle of a foreign country where no one would ever find him; no one would ever know who he was… And my voice cracked as I whispered it again.

But he couldn’t hear me, his face still as his cold fingers refused to respond to my touch. I felt like I was choking on my rising terror, grasping both his hands tightly in my own and sobbing his name, begging him to be okay. Don’t cry, he had said, but I couldn’t keep the tears away, couldn’t calm the frantic pounding of my heart.

The cold wind blew against his face, his eyelids lifting as if blown open. His grey eyes were light and glassy, bewildered as they took in my face. Overwhelmed with relief, I could only look at him and cry, trying to wipe away my tears even as they fell.

“Hey,” he whispered, one corner of his mouth moving as if trying to smile. “Did I miss anything?”

“Charlie!” His name was strangled in a sob that I quickly tried to contain. “I’m sorry – I mean – are you okay?”

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