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Agency: Choeun Entertainment
Debut: June 9, 2012 ("Rocking Girl")
Fandom Name: 24U
Sub Unit: 4k (for KPop)
Members: 7
Former Members: 3
Years Active: 2012 - present

They are their agencies first idol group. They debuted in 2012 under the name "4K" which meant "For K-Pop" and had only four members; Cory, Sung-Oh, Seok-June and Ki-Su. Then they added two more members Dae-Il and Byong and renamed the group "24K", which means two dancing machines and four main vocals. "4K" is now their sub-unit. In 2013, it was revealed that Byungho had been married and his wife gave birth to a child in 2012. After this news Byungho and Seokjun left the group and were replaced by Jeunguk, Hui and Jinhong. In 2016 it was announced that Daeil had left the group to debut as a solo artist with the name "Big One" and two new members, Changsun and Hongseob, were added to the group. Sungoh also left the group to receive treatment for a shoulder injury.

Jeunguk: Dancing9



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Hong Joo Hyun (Cory)

English Name: Cory Hong

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthday: November 25, 1990

Height: 177 cm (5ft 9)

Weight: 58 kg (127 lbs)

Blood Type: O

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Languages: English and Korean

Nationality: Korean-American

Education: Portland Community College

Position: Leader and Main Vocalist

Hobbies: basketball, camping and watching movies

Skills: Composing

Favourite Colours: green and white

Favourite Foods: pizza and pasta

Favourite Numbers: 2, 24, 28

Role Models: Dr. Dre and Teddy

Ideal Type: cute girls rather than sexy and he appreciates honesty in everyone, also likes women with pretty eyes

Sub-Unit: 4K

Fun Facts:
- he grew up in Portland, US
- his father named him Cory because Koreans usually add '-ah' when they call someone so his name would be pronounced 'Cory-ah' like Korea
- moved to South Korea after he graduated college
- trainee for about a year and a half
- called the dad of the group

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