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The day passes quickly after we get ready, mainly it was just us cleaning up or making food but these smaller tasks were more enjoyable with soft music playing in the background both of us working in harmony. Overall it was fairly quiet but it wasn't tense it was relaxed and sweet as every so often we would both sing along to lyrics we knew, well Andrew sang I hummed along.
By the time people arrived everything was in order and we were just relaxing on the couch with Elwood curled up asleep on his dog bed. It didn't take long for everyone to show up, I mean there wasn't a ton of people but it was a good size with the band and their partners.
As the night continued on eventually I found myself in the kitchen with Mia.
"So how has your break been?" I ask while I arrange some fruits on a tray to take out.
"Oh it's been great. Have you thought of how we are supposed to sneak the gift in here?"
"Mhmm. I'm glad it got here alright I was worried about it being shipped across seas. While everyone is distracted we can just go around through the siding glass door. I've explored the house and found the perfect place to put it too."
"Explore his house or him?" Mia covers her mouth trying not to laugh.
My jaw drops and I feel my cheeks flush "Mia!" I huff, "come on let's get it inside while he's distracted." I start walking outside with Mia trailing behind me in the hall.
"Wait so you're not denying it then did you two-"
I groan this is going to be a long party. I cover her mouth before anyone hears her. "Yes we slept together no I'm not telling you more than that and we need to hurry." I remove my hand and she giggles.
"I just wanted to make sure you two were being safe."
"Okay okay I won't say anything else." She unlocks her car and I see the case sitting in the back and I open it up to make sure everything is intact.
"Andrew is really lucky to have you, he's going to love it."
"Are you sure I mean it was gorgeous and still is but he already has other guitars."
"Yeah but none like this."
I skim my fingers against the guitars glossy surface before locking it back up in its case.
"Okay now let's get this inside."
We manage out little espionage mission without a hitch and return without raising anyone's suspicions.
The rest of the night goes fairly quick, we had all agreed not to get each other gifts but I didn't listen so near the end of the night I hand out the small gifts to the girls. As Mia hugs me to thank me for the charm bracelet I got her she whispers "let me know what he thinks of his gift." I smile letting her know I will and before long everyone is gone.
Looking at the time it's only eleven. Slowly we begin to clean up the mess left behind.
"That was fun wasn't it?" I remark as we are both in the kitchen putting things away.
"Yeah it was. It's nice to just relax with everyone. Where did you and Mia disappear to earlier?" Crap, I thought we got away with it.
"Ehm just a girl talk that's all. Elwood looks exhausted." I gesture to Elwood lying on the floor half asleep.
"Yeah the little lad had a busy night with all the people."
"I think it was a busy night for everyone I'm already tired."
Andrew wraps his arm around me "not too tired I hope."
"No not too tired for you." We stand there swaying back and forth the music still playing softly in the background. It's peaceful and blissful and perfect.
I turn around and wrap my arms around Andrews neck and rest my head against his chest.
"I love you Aria."
"I love you too Andrew."
We stay like that until the song ends before we finish cleaning up and head to bed. It's nice to have someone to love and know someone loves you, I never want it to end.

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