Waffles are fun

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I'm almost immediately attacked by Autumn. "OH MY GOSH DID YOU REALLY JUST GET US JOBS FOR TOMORROW WITH THE BAND?"
"Autumn....I need to....BREATHE!" I gasp for breath and she finally let's me go.
"Sorry, sorry I'm just really excited! Do you think they would hire us on permanently? Wait what am I going to where tomorrow?"
"You can raid my closet we are about the same size autumn." I go back into the kitchen and grab myself a soda and plop down on the couch across from Kylee.
"So you got yourself a job then."
I look over at her. "For one night."
"Oh Aria lighten up you never know what will happen just be yourself."
The rest of the night goes one without any disturbances and soon enough it's the morning.
As normal I'm the first awake even though I was the last to fall asleep. I quickly do my morning routine of taking a shower and throw on some jeans and a top before going into the kitchen and making frozen waffles.
I stare at the toaster waiting for those two little pieces of deliciousness to pop up. God I love waffles. They're so unhealthy especially with all the syrup I put on them but they're amazing.
Once they pop up I drench them in syrup and sit down at my kitchen counter with a glass of milk. Just as I'm about to bite into the warm waffles my phone goes off on the counter. Sighing I set down my food and pick up my phone.
"Hello?" I should've checked the caller ID.
Hey Aria! Ehm sorry for calling so early did I wake you up?" Ah so it's Andrew, should've known, no one ever calls me.
"No I was already up, whatcha need?" I ask holding the phone between my head and shoulder and pick up my waffles as I wait for him to answer.
"If you're still planning on coming do you mind bringing your camera and some samples of your previous work my manager wants to see proof and don't forget your friend for the tech." He stops talking just as I'm about to taste my waffles and I'm forced to put them down to respond.
"Yeah I don't mind and we will be there when do you want us to head down to the theatre?" I pick up my waffles but wait so I can respond again.
"Ehm can you make it in like two hours?" I look at the clock and see it's almost 6, Autumn is not going to be happy.
"Yeah of course."
"Thank you so much Aria, as a thank you I'll take you and your friend out to lunch okay?"
"Oh you don't have to it's no problem really-" he cuts me off.
"I insist, please Aria?" damn him and his sweetness.
"Alright. I'll see you then."
"Okay bye Aria."
"Bye Andrew." I set the phone down and press the end call button absentmindedly while focussing on my waffles.
I finally manage to get a bite in and moan from the taste, I'm so glad I didn't eat while talking to him because this would have been embarrassing. I then hear laughing coming from the phone, I hit the speaker button not the end call button! OH. MY. GOD.
"You alright there Aria?" I can hear him laughing. Oh my god, I just moaned from a waffle and he heard me, I really want to bang my head in a wall.
"Em yeah I'm fine! Bye!" My voice comes out high pitched and I can feel my face turning bright red. I slam the end call button and sink down to the floor covering my face.
I can't believe I just did that! I take a few deep breathes and go to wake up Autumn and I'll just figure out the rest later.

••••••••IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I had quite a few things happen and I'm just now getting time to post more (I have finals next week so my posts will probably be scattered) but I also would like to thank everyone for over 1 k. reads so far! I never thought I would do this well! So thank you all so much!•••••••••

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