So Demanding

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The loud and rather annoying sound of the preset alarm on my phone wakes me up. I try and sit up but am trapped by Andrews embrace. I manage to turns so I'm facing him and see him still asleep, he looks so peaceful.
"Andrew! Get up we are leaving in a few hours. Get up Andrew. I have to go pack." I shake his shoulder trying to make him wake up and he does but just wraps his arms tighter around me.
"Are we really? I think we still have some time to just lay here, relax. Go back to sleep love." Because of his tighter grip around me I can't escape and am pushed up against his chest.
"We have to get up and get ready Andrew, if we hurry we can get food." I try to bribe him but it's horribly muffled against his shirt and he's falling back asleep again. What am I going to do with him?
Once his grip loosens enough for me to move I manage to roll him off his side and into his back while being straddled over his stomach which immediately gets his attention. He's gone a bit pink in the face and I'm trying not to blush and keep collected and somehow I manage. "Up. Pack. Food." I quickly get off him and the bed grabbing my things from yesterday as he finally rolls out of his bed.
"You're so demanding." He grumbles half asleep.
"I know." I give him a quick kiss before heading back to my room to finish packing.
We both manage to pack and get ready fairly quickly so we still have about an hour before we have to meet up to go so we head down to a small coffee shop we've passed several times. The morning is a bit brisk but I don't feel it all that much in my warm clothes and Andrews arm draped across my shoulders. We chat lightly while on our way and once we reach the shop it's much warmer inside and we sit down after ordering drinks and some food. I stick to a blueberry muffin and Andrew gets some yogurt and fruit thing being ever so healthy. Nothing remarkable happens during our little breakfast and soon it's time to head back to the group.
On the way back I decide to ask what had been on my mind. "What are we going to tell the others Andrew?" I swing our interlocked hands back and forth gently staring at them as we walk.
He looks down at me. "We can if you want I don't mind either way." I bite my lip nervously, I really don't want some big confrontation. "Or we can let them figure it out for themselves." He says after he notices my hesitance. "Whatever they say doesn't matter Aria, you matter, you're my girlfriend. If they don't like that they'll just have to deal with it alright?" He wraps me in a hug to reassure me and I nod.
"Alright, I like that idea." It's silent so I change the subject. "We never really did get to watch movies did we?"
"No we didn't." He laughs as we approach the group.

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