The irish jesus

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About five minutes into the ride it's just too quiet so I flip on my iPod music which I have linked to the car. Of course the first song to come on is in the woods somewhere. I reach over to change it but Andrews hand stops mine. "Leave it, if this is what you normally listen to I'm fine with it, after all I wrote it." He laughs and cracks a smile.
"Yeah I guess you get to hear it quite a bit." The car falls into a comfortable silence and I don't notice the fact that I ego to sing along lightly with whatever sits are playing, I'm so used to driving alone. When I finally notice I turn bright red.
"Why'd you stop singing, you have a good voice."
I laugh and turn more red."yeah coming from the world wide heartthrob hozier with the voice of gold, do you know how many people call you the Irish Jesus?" As soon as I finish talking I process what I said and blush again.
"So I'm a heartthrob am I? I'm not so sure about the whole "Irish Jesus" thing though..." He trails off but I can still see the glint in his eye from my accidental title of heartthrob, Christ what have I done.
It doesn't take that much longer to get the theatre and he gets off. "Do you want to come inside for a bit, I don't know if it will be all that interesting but you're more than welcome too."
Just then my phone chooses to go off and the Star Wars theme song blares from the speakers of the small device. I pick up the phone and mouth sorry to him.
"aria! Where are you?! Your friend autumn showed up early! What am I supposed to do?" Kylee whines from the other end.
"Kylee calm down, we are all adults here. There's thirty dollars on the fridge order a pizza. And I'm at Nokia theatre right now, Andrew needed a ride."
"Well when do you think you'll be back?"
Andrew then takes the phone from me. "I'm sorry Kylee but I'm stealing aria for a little bit longer okay?"
I don't hear the rest of the conversation but it seems to go well and he hands me back my phone.
"Well Aria looks like you're staying here for a bit, she allowed me two hours with the promise of no "frickle frackle" as she so delicately put it." He laughs and I turn bright red. I'm so going to kill her. I hop down from the truck and he leads me inside down various hallways and to the stage where people are running around with technical stuff. "Ehm do you want to sit down while we do this?" He asks me trying to figure out what to do with me.
"Yeah I'll just sit over here" I spot and empty chair and make my way to it getting another call.
"You're at Nokia theatre?! With hozier?! Is Alex there?!" Well hello autumn.
"No not yet at least I haven't sen him, I haven't really seen any of the band yet," I see them walk through on the other side of the stage. "Never mind here they are. And I gave Andrew a ride that's all and he asked if I wanted to stay for a bit, they're doing a sound check thing."
"Oh what type of gear is there? What about the amplifying systems?" She's such a tech geek.
"I don't know you have the passes for tomorrow why don't you ask then?"
"That's a good idea. I'm going to do that. Well have fun with Andrew." She puts extra emphasis on the last sentence and I laugh and hang up.
The sound check goes on without a hitch and Andrew calls me over to where the rest of the band is. It looks like I'm going to meet them all after all.

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