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The light from the window wakes me up and I stretch, limited because of Andrews arms wrapped around me. I turn around to look at Andrew as he sleeps. My eyes graze over his features and I smile gently. I don't know how I got this lucky to be with him.
As much as I would like to continue to watch my love sleep I'm hungry and food sounds lovely just about now. I slip out of his embrace and shiver as the cold air hits my skin, sadly as comfy as a large shirt is it's not very warm. I grab something warmer and walk into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and I'm a mess, my hair is tangled and I have several bruises leading down my collar bone as well as others. Next time he's going to make the evidence less visible. I move on past this and get ready quickly as memories from last night flood my head. After the fun we took showers and just put on some light clothes, aka I ransacked his drawers and stole a t-shirt. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep we were both exhausted but it was amazing.
Once downstairs Elwood gets out of his dog bed as he hears me approach.
"Hey boy! Are you going to help me make breakfast?" He wags his tail so I take that as a yes.
Going through the fridge I decide on something simple. There's everything for some simple omelets so I work as Elwood weaves between my legs or watches as I make food. When the food is almost done I hear Andrew come downstairs.
"Good morning." I look up as I put the food onto two plates.
"Good morning love." He wraps his arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair. "You even made breakfast."
"Mhmm. How observant you are today. Do you know what today is?" I set his food on the table next to mine.
"Christmas Eve. How could I forget after the cookie disaster?"
I gasp dramatically "it wasn't a disaster those cookies turned out good."
"Well yeah but at the cost of my kitchen!"
"Hey I didn't start it, I just finished it." I try and sound serious but I can't hide my smile.
"I believe we decided it was a draw after we were both covered in flour and other baking ingredients sitting on the kitchen floor and had to clean up. Anyways the band is stopping by later today for Christmas Eve and tomorrow we are still going over to my parents house right?"
"Mhmm. Which means I should probably pick clothes that will hide these." I gesture to the bruises he left after last night.
He runs the back of his neck. "They don't hurt do they?"
I can't help but laugh. "No they don't hurt but as much fun as it was last night the entire world does not need to know." I remark as I continue to eat my omelet.
"Well it wouldn't be the entire world per-say just the band and their partners."
"Yeah so everyone we spend time with often hours on end in confined areas." I retort sarcastically.
"This is a great omelet you're a great cook thank you for this." He changes the topic.
"Thank you, and you're welcome it was no problem I was hungry and thought you would be as well."
After we both finish eating we both get ready for later. I have a surprise in store for Andrew and I'm excited but I try not to let him on about it as the day goes on. I really hope he likes it.

••••okay I'm sorry about the short chapter and my lack of posting I'm really stressed at the moment with my phone breaking, and I have all my college midterms this upcoming week and some huge projects due and I'm behind and I'm leaving for California next week (yay going home) for a few days to see hozier in concert, I was given tickets for my birthday later in the month which is amazing but I'll have a lot of work to catch up on. Anyways this was sort of a filler chapter so it's shorter than normal and I d had a bit of writers block but I'm trying thanks loves!••••

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