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I'm not sure how many shops we went to but we have been back and forth from the hotel to drop off bags several times now. I've gotten Christmas shopping out of the way but we are now on the hunt for this damned dress. My feet are killing me and I'm cold and I don't want to go to some party after the concert tonight. After ten different stores they finally deem a shop fit to look for a dress in.
"Mia do I really have to get a dress? I'll even try and enjoy myself if I don't have to wear a dress." I try and use my sweetest voice but nothing.
"If you don't wear a dress what would you wear?" She raises an eyebrow at me while glancing at a rack of brightly coloured dresses.
"Oh I don't know maybe some jeans and a cute top." Sass is evident as I cringe at the neon pink dress Rachel picks up. "Look we've been searching for hours and no dress has looked good on me. I already bought some new clothes so why don't I just wear those besides we have to be back at the hotel in thirty minutes for sound check at the venue and I'm starving." I try and give my best puppy dog eyes and thankfully the girls see reason and decide to lay off and head back to the hotel. I'm extremely relieved and happy to return to the hotel.
Once back I go up to Andrew and my room and just collapse on the bed not bothering to get up when Andrew enters a few minutes later.
"How was shopping?" He asks as he sits down next to me.
I give him an "are you serious" look and groan.
He laughs "that bad?
I prop myself up on my elbows "you have no idea. Why don't you spend a day with those three trying to stuff you into every bright sparky dress they find." He just laughs even more.
"I don't think I could pull off that look." At that I can't help but smile.
"I don't know Andrew I would pay good money to see you in a mini dress." I poke his stomach emphasising my point.
"You would beg for a refund trust me. Anyways did you end up getting a dress?"
I put my head on his lap looking up at him "no thank god we ran out of time but they still want me to go to some party tonight."
"Just tell them you're busy love." He brushed a stray hair out of my face as he talks.
"I already tried that. You're going they're going so I just have to go."
"Well then tell them we're busy."
"With what?" I ask him. "I doubt they'll let us have another movie marathon. Besides didn't you want to go?"
"Yeah a little but if you don't want to go I don't mind not going, you're more important than some party." By now he's playing with a strand of my hair. I swear he's never idle.
"Then let's just go. I can get over it, you wanted to go and the last party I've been to was for my cousins cat so I'll survive."
"If you're sure then alright. Really though, your cousins cats party was the last one you've been to?"
"Yep." I pop the 'p' "three years ago. I'm not very much a party person."
He laughs. "I can tell."
The rest of the day kept me busy from sound check to the concert and I didn't have time to be anxious about going to a party as the day flies by.

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