Coffee and Jackets

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The sound of someone moving around in my kitchen wakes me up. I groan and sit up soar from sleeping on the couch. "Ah ow." I stand up and stretch feeling all the muscles in my back constrict. "Owwww ow ow ow! Great another great start." I mumble moving into the kitchen and see Kylee cleaning up from last night. "Kylee you don't have to do that...have you been crying again? How long have you been up working?" I pull her away from what she was working on and give her a hug, despite my muscles groaning in protest.
"I haven't been up too long. And yeah I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep again so I started to pick up I'm sorry for staying so long. But I just can't go back to that."
"Hey hey, no rush you're fine. I can clear out my office and turn it into a room for you here." She starts crying again. How am I supposed to deal with crying?
"Thank you Aria. I don't know how I can repay you I-" I cut her off
"Hey it's fine, I get it you need time and I've always promised you a place to stay if you need it. Here go sit down an watch TV I'll make breakfast." I glance at the clock, 8 am. I practically shove Kylee into the front room forcing her to sit on the couch as I shuffle back into the kitchen. I look in the fridge. What can I cook? I need to go shopping everything's pretty bare after our feasting last night. Omelettes I have everything for omelettes. I get everything I need together and begin to cook when Kylee comes running in carrying my phone.
"Hey you got a text message from....Andrew! Wait same Andrew, hozier Andrew??" Kylee props herself up on the counter
"Give me that, you know better than to go on my phone." I snatch the phone away and open up the message.
'Its alright for the late reply, how about we meet at the cafe on Osborn road at 10 am?'
"Oh my gosh it's like a date!" Kylee shakes my shoulders
"Its so he can get his jacket back. Nothing more." I type up my response. 'Sure, I'll see you then and I'll bring your jacket back. Thank you again for that.'
I get a response back almost immediately. 'You're welcome I'll see you then.'
I go back to start cooking but am pulled away by Kylee.
"Oh no you are going to go get ready! You have a coffee date with Andrew." She pushes me into my bathroom and throws a towel in after me.
"It's not a date Kylee!!!" I tell at the door she closed in my face. I can't faintly hear her response.
"Mhmm keep telling yourself that NOW GET READY." I hear that last part loud and clear and know it's no use to argue.
After quickly getting ready I go back into the kitchen. And see Kylee eating her omelette. "What I don't get one?"
She talks with her mouth full "no, you've got a date now go before you're late." I look at the clock and realise she's right, I have to leave or I'll be late.
"Okay, just, don't burn down my home or anything!" I grab my phone, his jacket, and my keys and go out to my car.
The ride goes by quickly and its not that long before I'm sitting in my car in front of the cafe. I didn't feel nervous earlier but now I'm nothing but nerves. I shut off the car and walk into the cafe, it's not that hard to spot him. He waves me over and can see he already has a coffee. With a deep sigh I make my way over to him.

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