Me Too

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We were almost to his parents house, we were walking since it was only a few blocks away. Remember when I said I wasn't nervous? Yeah that was a lie. I'm freaking out. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm terrible and want Andrew to break up with me?
"Hey Andrew is it too late to turn around? I'm not really hungry anymore..."
"Aria they are going to love you trust me." He wraps an arm around my should rubbing my arm to reassure me.
"How do you know that they will? They could completely hate me!"
He looks at me. "I know they'll love you because I do." I don't have a response.

Once we get there Andrew knocks on the door and I try to hide behind him but he doesn't let me. A pretty blonde lady with glasses opens the door. "Andy! Oh I'm glad you're home!" They hug and she turns to me "you must be aria! I've heard so much about you." She engulfs me in a hug as well.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Byrne."
"Oh please call me Raine." She ushers us in the door into the house. "John! Andy and his beautiful girlfriend are here!" She calls out as she moves into other rooms.
"See I told you she would love you." Andrew says. We follow after her holding hands. A rather large black and white dog runs up to Andrew and starts wagging his tail and pushing against Andrew trying to jump up on him. "Hey Elwood! I've missed you boy!" The dog, Elwood, turns to me sniffing my hand before licking it. "I think he likes you."
I laugh. "I'm glad."
We follow after Raine, Elwood trailing close behind. Andrews father greets us as well and soon we are all just talking on the couch as my nerves quickly fade away. When Raine goes into the kitchen to finish off the food I go with her to help letting father and son spend time together.
"So Aria you're a photographer right?" She asks as she pulls out a chicken from the oven.
"That's right. I have been for several years." I begin setting out plates on the table.
"That's a nice job. Oh Hun you don't have to do that I can do it."
"Nonsense Raine! You've allowed me into your home it's the least I can do."
"Oh alright." After a fee moments of silence she speaks up again. "Andy really loves you. I didn't know what to expect when he said he was bringing a girl home, he told me about you but I just didn't know what to think. His last girlfriend, well she really hurt him and I didn't want that to happen again but just watching the two of you I can tell that you and him are perfect for each other." She smiles at me and I'm moved, I really am.
"Thank you Raine. I really love him as well, I don't know what I'd do with out him." She comes over and hugs me again as I finish setting the table.
"I'm glad you're apart of the family now."
"Me too."
The dinner ends up going amazing and the food tastes great as well. When it's time to clean up Andrew starts clearing the table and I help much to the protest of Raine and Andrew but I ignore them. We stay well into the night and when we do leave it's with Elwood on a leash. Over all it was a great night.

*Narrator god perspective*
Anyone could tell it was a great a night. The older couple in the cozy house sat together. Talking between eachother.
"She's a great girl isn't she john? Andrew has done well."
"Yes she is very polite. He really loves her Raine."
"She will make a great daughter in law."
From the older couples light chatter we shift outside as the young couple walks together in the starlight with the happy dog. Neither one of them could know of what was to come and how much they will need each other in the future.

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