Thinking Again

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Okay so, this is just a thinking chapter about what she did, this book is coming to an end soon. I know, I know. But I had a part to end it at and that's where I'm ending it. So I have a couple more chapters coming so just bear with me (bear? bare?) :P whatever. NEEWAY. here ya go. 

PS: this may be the shortest chapter of all time. 


What has the world come to?  

When, little 11 or 12 year olds are calling me a bitch. They have a lot of nerve.

But really.

I am a bitch. Leaving my mom there to die, even though she was already dead. There wasn't really much I could of done. She's already dead. Helping that girl carry her out to the ambulance or even finding a phone wouldn't have saved her life.

She's dead.

What was the last thing she said to me? And me to her? 

I recall the last thing she said was: "Your free, Ms." And she walked out the door slamming it with a click.

This is the woman who carried me through half of my life. Who was there no matter what. Until, the incident. 

I can't believe I just did that. 

But what's done is done. And I can't get my mom back. 

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