Think Again

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Don't think I'm stupid. I brought things for me. Some food, a lot of money and water bottles. Apparently, my father had a stash of cash in case of emergency. Almost 700 dollars. I could rent a house, get a job, pay the bill and done. Seems like I'm turning into a real adult. 

The only thing is, I am stupid. I didn't bring anything. And the money I had brought, was spent on beer at the bar. In celebration. Met a few dudes I never knew before. And officially lost everything I had. 

So where am I to go now? I look at the big clock at Times Square. 6pm? How can it be six pm? I left the house last night at 8:30. 

Almost a whole day had past me by. 

I decide going home is the best idea now. I don't need to start all over. I don't need to be me. I can learn to love people. They make mistakes just like me. 

This was a mistake. 

I turn back with a nod of relief. What I'm doing is right, right? I think so. 


Very short chapter. This may be how it is for a long time. I think that the best way to grab a viewer through a book is short and sweet. Here you go. Enjoy, and please tell friends. :)

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