I lOvE yOu

463 30 7

^George's smile^

*Kayte's POV*

I go with Jorel into Danny's room.

"He must have some kind of clue..." Jorel mutters to me.

"I guess." I respond.

"Look for anything."

After a few minutes, I open a drawer with a notebook in it. What harm can reading it do? Besides, Jorel said to look for anything.

On the first page, it's titled 'I hate life' and the date is January 20th 2015.

I start to read.

I'm the most fucked up person ever. I hate my life.

So this started a while ago. I won't go into details, I don't even want to think about it. I'm going insane, torturing myself over what happened every fucking night.

I will take any drugs, to numb the pain. Even though I cause myself pain, I just can't deal with it.

I don't even care about her. The fact I killed her... It's just that I truly thought she loved me. I don't care she was cheating, I wanted to spend my life with her.

The boys don't know that it happened. I never told them.

I hate life, I want to die...

I flip the pages to the last page that was written on. The date is today, and it's titled 'Fuck it.'

I'm going to take coke and heroin. Maybe I'll die, maybe I'll live, who knows?

If I die, sorry Jorel... You don't want to be with me like this, then don't. I understand...

If I live, I'm a fucking idiot. I can't even die properly. I just feel like I'd be better off dead.

So, Aron kidnapped and attacked me. I feel like shit.

So maybe bye forever.

Then the writing ends.

"Jorel." I whisper.

He comes over and gently prises the book out of my hands. He starts to read it, and within seconds, the tears are streaming down his face.

"I do want to be with him, I just hate seeing him like that." He whispers.

"I hate it too." I say.

I go and find George, and tell him that Danny deliberately did this. We show him the book and he looks sad.

I skip to about half way through the notebook...

It's me again.

In the shadows of my mind, I think about what my life means. What does it mean? What does any life really mean? Death?

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