Chapter Ten

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(Clementine's POV)

I felt free when we ran to the house I saw. It was like I was a little girl again. Running free with no worries. Lee walked fast behind me, chuckling and watching me be wild.
When we reached the house, that feeling changed to alert and fear. There was a gapping hole dead center of the fence. A Walker was crawling into it. I was about to pull my katana out as something shiny decapitated the Walker's head off.
Two more Walkers emerged from the woods next to the house as the killer struck the two Walkers as though they weren't a threat. Their face was covered by the camoflague hoodie they wore. Whoever it was had a badass katana.
He/She turned on us and tensed. It took a step closer then sheathed their katana. It walked over to us, hands in the air, "Survivors?" She asked. We nodded as she put a hand on her hip and took off her hoodie.
Her dark brown hair was in her grey sleeveless jacket. She had a scar on her left cheek. Her eyes were almond brown and she had alot of cuts and bruises on her body.
She held out her hand to me, "Name's Rocky, what is ya'lls?" She asked, her voice hinting the southern accent. I shook her hand, then Lee did, "My name is Lee, and this is Clementine." Lee answered.
Rocky looked around, most likely scanning the grounds for more Walkers. She gestured us to come inside the gated area. I hope this isn't a trap... Once we walked through the hole, Rocky boarded up the entrance.
She wiped her forehead of sweat and wiped the sweat on her torn jeans. Rocky looked at us, "Ya'll wanna come inside and rest? It's just me now. My folks have turned already." She offered, but sadness lurked in her tone.
Ouch, her parents are Walkers already? How old is she??? We both nodded as she opened the door. Rocky locked the door and led us to the living room. We sat down, Lee and I, side-by-side as Rocky sat in front of us.
She clapped her hands together, "How old are ya'll?" She asked. "36." I answered. "37." Lee answered. She nodded and leaned back into her chair, "16," She replied. Sixteen?! Holy crap!
"Been surviving on my own for 'bout a month now. My folks didn't believe the apocalypse would start again. They had too much faith in them doctors. I knew it would again. If it happened once, it could happen again." She explained.
Rocky looked at the two of us, "What are ya'lls stories?" Lee cleared his throat, "Those doctors... They did help. Believe me." He said, rolling up his sleeve, revealing the old bite.
Rocky nearly fell out of her chair, "What the hell?! You're bitten?!" She yelped, backing up. I stood up quickly, standing in front of Lee, ready to defend him if I had to.
"No, no! The doctors cured him! I swear! He is not infected!" I said, waving my hands in a panick. Rocky relaxed a little, but there was still hostility in her eyes.
Will she believe us? She sighed and sat back down, "Sorry... It's just... This damn apocalypse got me all jumpy as a jackrabbit." Rocky apologized, her tone thick with guilt. Lee got up and patted her shoulder, "It's fine."
For the next three hours, Lee and I talked about our adventure together, plus my years of being without Lee. Rocky was a great listener. By the time we finished, it was dusk. Rocky yawned, "It's too dark for ya'll to be out there,"
She started, then yawned again. "Ya'll can stay her for the night. I wouldn't mind the company. There's three rooms down this hallway. Lee, you can have the guest room. Clem, you can have my parent's old room. I'll be in mine. There are bathrooms in each room."
We nodded and walked into the rooms. I looked around. I always wanted a farm house, but it was way too out of the city. Maybe after the apocalypse I could get my own farm. That would be neat.
I heard a knock and opened the door. Rocky stood there, holding two neatly folded towels in her hands, "Here you go. I thought you may need them." She offered. I gladly took them, "Thank you." I said.
She nodded, "Welcome. See you in the morning. Night Clem." She said and turned around to the door behind her. She closed the door as I closed mine. I yawned and set the towels on the drawers. I'll just take a shower in the morning.
I layed down in the bed. Since the apocalypse started, I haven't slept in a decent bed. I yawned as my eyes started to close. I heard snoring next door. Lee must be out already. I finally fell asleep peacefully, hoping this would be a good night, for once.

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