Chapter Eleven

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(Lee's POV)

I woke up to the fresh smell of cooked eggs. I sat up as my mouth watered from the scent. I haven't ate a cooked meal since I was cured. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where Clementine and Rocky were.
Rocky was at the stove while Clem sipped on some steaming coffee. I glanced at Clem, "Since when did you drink coffee?" I asked. She shrugged, "Since I was fifteen." She answered. Man, time has flown by.
Rocky turned around and flashed the peace sign at me, "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Ready for some breakfast?" She asked. I nodded, my stomach growling.
She handed me a plate filled with scrambled eggs while she handed Clementine a plate with two eggs. Rocky rubbed her neck as she leaned against the counter, "I didn't know how you liked your eggs cooked, Lee."
"These are fine. I like them like this." I replied, biting into the eggs. They were delicious. Goodness, for a sixteen year old, she can cook. Clementine sipped on more coffee as Rocky tensed, listening.
Clem and I noticed and stayed silent. We heard faint groaning as Rocky pulled down a rope, making a foldable ladder come down from the attic. "Ya'll wait here. I'll look around." She said, climbing.
Stay safe. I ate as I heard a swish and a stab. I finished eating and set the dishes in the sink. I noticed Rocky didn't pull the ladder up so I climbed up, wondering what she was doing.
I saw her on the top of the roof, sitting down. I would've thought she was just looking at the gorgeous scenery, if it weren't for the Walkers below and the crossbow in her hand.
Where did she have a crossbow??? There were seven Walkers scratching on the fence. Three were lying on the ground in pools of blood with arrows in their skulls.
I watched Rocky study the Walkers, then lift the crossbow up, aiming. Swish, swish, swish. Three more Walkers fell. Collapsing on top of their other dead friends.
I raised an eyebrow, "Do you make your own arrows or..." I asked, wondering how she has so many arrows. Rocky put the crossbow down, "When the coast is clear, I go down and retrieve my arrows. Clean them, and reuse them."
"What about the bodies of the fallen Walkers?" I asked. She shrugged, "It reeks of them already, so what's the point? Plus, we're inside anyway." Good point.
She glared at the four other Walkers and quickly shot four arrows at them. Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish. I looked down, astonished as the remaining Walkers fell. Remind me not to piss her off.
She walked on the roof til she was sastified that there were no more Walkers. We climbed down as Clementine was waiting, "What happened?" She asked. "Walkers 'round the gate. Killed them all. Now, I need to go retrieve my arrows." Rocky said normally, then walked out, shutting the door.
I sat down next to Clementine, "Should we stay here with Rocky? She seems to have everything we would need, plus shelter." I said. Clemetine nodded, "True, but could she turn on us? I mean, she is pretty skilled, but she could turn on us. And I don't mean the Walker-turn."
I shook my head, "I highly doubt a sixteen year old would try killing us, Clem." I sighed. She rolled her eyes, "I wonder why she's all alone then, Lee. Huh? She could've went psycho!"
I shook my head stubbornly, "I don't think so." Clementine huffed as Rocky came in, holding her arrows in her right hand. She went to the sink and wash them, then she grabbed some bleach and left the arrows in there to soak.
She turned to us, "Alright guys. If ya'll don't mind helpin', we need to reinforce the fence, or we're screwed. That's 'bout how nice I can explain it." She dried her hands then went back outside. Clementine hesitated, then walked out too.
I stood up, closing the door behind us. Clementine, I love you to death, but you're wrong about Rocky.

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