Chapter Fourteen

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(Lee's POV)

Kenny found more bags in the basement as we grabbed everything we can. We decided it would be best to stay in the country. Maybe we'll find an abandon farmhouse. Rocky looked around her house once more, she agreed to go with us, but not willingly. It took several minutes to persuade her, and we finally got her to come with us.
She had her crossbow and arrows strapped to her chest while a pistol stayed loaded in it's holster above her boots, and her katana at her side. I swear her and Clementine could've been related.
Once we were sure we grabbed everything, Rocky said farewell to the house she called home. She closed the basement and locked it. We walked out of the house and past the rotten pile of walkers.
Clementine pulled out a map, "Alright. There's a gas station not too far from here. We can make it there by sunset, then we can barricade it and stay the night." We all agreed and walked in the direction of shelter.
Rocky had her hood on and a cloth covering her mouth. She stayed behind us, looking for any Walkers. Her eyes looked menacing, hopefully not towards us.
She took a sharp breath as a couple walkers appeared from the undergrowth. She signaled us to stop and she slit their throats with her katana, breaking their jaws in the process.
She kicked their skulls open and we continued to walk. Kenny had his pistol in his hand, his finger twitching on the trigger. Clementine looked around, alert written on her face.
The only thing they all had in common was the tiredness that haunted their eyes. I couldn't blame them. Clementine pointed at a building not too far away, "There."
Rocky appeared beside me, "I can scout ahead if you need me to." She offered. Clem nodded and Rocky sheathed her katana. She ran ahead as we stayed behind.
Clementine looked at me, "I guess you were right, about trusting her. Sorry about that." I turned to Clem, "You can't blame yourself, Clem. All of this has driven a wedge between survivors and trust."
Clementine shrugged, "I guess..." I pulled her bill down and she glared. I chuckled as Kenny watched for Rocky. I stood beside Kenny, "She'll be alright. She's a strong girl, despite the ordeal she went through."
Kenny kept looking around, "I know, but you can't be too careful. You know that, Lee." I do alright. He was thinking of Katjaa and Duck. He doesn't want anyone else bitten.
We heard dry grass being crushed under weight as we drew our weapons out. I paused as I realized the footsteps were rather fast to be Walkers. Kenny put away his weapon as Rocky appeared, the look of fear gave it away, plus the blood that stained her jacket.
Oh no... She stopped next to Clementine, breathless. After a moment of catching her breath, she looked at us, "Too... Many... Damn Walkers..." She reported. Shit.
Kenny looked at her, "Are you bitten?" He asked. She shook her head, "Nah. Just some stupid Walkers sensed me." Clementine sighed, "Well, let's find somewhere else to camp, before the sun sets."

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