Chapter Twenty

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(Alvie's POV)

   Well, this day seems to be getting worse, until I was thrown into the Meat Locker. Taken away from my group, binded to a pole, beaten, then thrown. Being reunited with Clementine and Kenny, meeting Lee and Rocky. I mean, it may not sound like the right situation, but hey, the best things happen at the wrong times.
   Once we got Kenny to stop beating on the door, plus wrapping his now-injured hands with a torn t-shirt, we were trying to come up with a plan to get the hell out of this locker. "Maybe we can get someone to climb out of the AC vents like before." Lee suggested.
   Clementine shook her head, "No, Lily would expect that, since that's how we got out before." Lee shrugged as Kenny looked at the door, "If we had some change, we could unscrew these screws out of the door."
   I stayed silent, observing the area, and looking for ideas of escape. Rocky wasn't paying attention to our talking. She was feeling the walls and breathing hard, as though she was caustiphobic. I have a feeling this isn't going to end well if we're stuck in here with her.
   Kenny, Lee, Clementine, and I kept talking and bickering as Rocky kept looking up, mumbling to herself. She slid boxes around and stacked them too. She started climbing them as I turned my attention to Lee's new plan.
   "We could try creating a diversion. Two of us could start a fight, or, one of us could act like we are about to turn and attack---" "No." "Why not, Clem?" I shook my head, "I agree. One of us could actually be killed if we act like a Walker."
   I heard hinges being opened and all of us turned to the door. It never moved. We looked around as I felt something hit my head. "Ouch!" It fell to the ground and I looked down in confusion. It was a boot. My eyes widdened as I looked up, Rocky was looking down at me.
   All of us got up as she put a finger on her lips, "I'm gonna try to unlock the doors, please make sure they don't notice I'm gone. Or else we may not have another shot at this." We all nodded as she turned around, crawling. Not even a minute later, Rocky's head popped back out, "Heyyy Al, would you mind throwing my boot up here?"
   I tossed it up and she caught it quickly, "Thanks!" She tugged the boot on and crawled quietly in. Stay safe. I leaned against the boxes and the others layed down. Clementine fell asleep quickly as Lee and Kenny stayed up, talking.
    I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I fell asleep, sitting up with my mouth open, like always. And all I knew was that Rocky hasn't came back yet.

   Yes! Alvie's introduction and POV. I feel so accomplished! XD
Thanks to everyone who has read this far and loves this story. It makes me so happy to know people love this story and read it!

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