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Driving home from work on a cool, summer evening was pretty nice, until the radio station I was listening to was interrupted by a news report. I turned the volume up and listened as I drove on the highway.

"Breaking News! Keep a weapon near you at all times. Reports have been coming in of new Walkers around the area. Be alert, and stay safe."

I tensed and slammed onto the brakes, thankfully, the Highway wasn't busy at all. Walkers?! Again?! It's been twenty years since the apocalypse ended. Five years ago, all traces of the zombie apocalypse were cleared away. All that was left were the weapons and memories of the brutal virus.
Millions of people died and were coming back to life as lifeless creatures of the undead. The doctors made everyone, even newborns, get a shot that made the virus inside disappear, so no more Walkers. I still don't think that's possible, but it has been twenty years. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and left my knuckles bone white. I lost alot of people in that damn apocalypse.
Mom... Dad... Carlos... Sarah... Jane... Shawn... Katjaa... Duck... Mark... Carley... Doug... Lilly... Ben... Omid... Christa... Luke... Nick... Rebecca... Alvin... Peter... Sarita... Walter... Sandra... Lee...
I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as all those names appeared in my head. I remembered everyone thay we've lost to the Walkers. Especially Lee.
The tears flowed harder and hit the leather interior of my truck. I miss Lee alot. He was like my father. He taught me how to survive, and shoot a gun. I wiped my eyes as I heard a car honk at me.
I shifted the truck into drive as the car honked again. I rolled down my window and flipped the middle finger at him. I drove as I thought about the past years since those days.
It took me years to get use to living a normal life again. No Walkers, no weapons, no needs of protection against biters. I still carried a dagger with me, just for protection and because I am so use to carrying one with me. Hey, you can't break habits that easily.
I kept the window rolled down, letting the cool breeze clear away all those thoughts. Once I got home, I wanted to pass out on my couch. I finally had my week vacation from work. My stomach growled and I walked into the kitchen.
I made some Ramen Noodle Soup, 'cause I was really tired, and scrolled through the channels boredly. I stopped on the local news and watched it. Bad idea.
They brought up the apocalypse again. This time, telling us today was the 20th year of the apocalypse ending. I rolled my eyes and ate some soup. They then talked about how they perfected a type of cure to bring the undead back to life, but without that nasty disease.
If they injected the serium into a whole walker, they basically said, then that walker would become human again. I snorted mockingly. What about those people who's loved ones were torn to shreds by those demonic creatures? They can't have their loved ones back!
I shut the television off and slammed the remote onto the table, angrily. I rinsed out my bowl and went to my bedroom to change. I'm just letting the past get to my head.
I was about to leave when I glanced at my nightstand. I bit my lip and sighed, sitting on the edge of my bed. I picked up the framed picture, staring at the happy face of Lee.
I kept the picture of Lee that was torn from another picture. I framed it, knowing I would remember hin always. I set the picture back up and left the room. I locked my doors as my mind raced. Well... Maybe for precaution...
I quickly locked my windows too, becoming paranoid every minute. I turned off all the lights and turned my lamp on. I couldn't go to sleep. My thoughts went back to the news, about how whole Walkers could become human once more.
Could Lee become human again? Could that be possible??? Instead of shooting Lee, like he wanted. I walked away. I couldn't shoot my best friend, my father. I wouldn't be able to live with that burden, even though he wanted me to.
My eyelids started to close as I turned my lamp off. My body became heavier and I fell asleep.

If you've played the first season, there were two choices. Either shoot Lee before he became a Walker. Or leave Lee handcuffed to the AC unit, and walk away before he became a Walker.

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