Chapter Eight

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*three days later*

(Clementine's POV)

This farm is perfect.
Lee and I worked on the fence, our main source of defense, plus we found more ammo and weapons in the attic, which will be extremely helpful.
I put one gun and one knife in each room, like I did at home. I knew that I would go back to the house, I just don't know when. Around noon, we ate some Ravioli and cookies, from the Valero.
We relaxed for what felt like a minute when we heard groaning. I cussed under my breath and looked through the window. Walkers were scratching the fence, trying to get in.
Lee saw the problem and looked at me, "We can't do anything. If we shoot, more will come out. If we use our knives, we'll be toast." For once, I had to agree with Lee. There was a good size amount of Walkers.
That fence is stable enough. We should be fine as lomg as we're quiet. I sat back down and drank my glass of water dry. The groaning became louder and Lee got up quickly, hand on his pistol.
I turned around and saw a walker in the window. "How the fu---" Lee said when I opened the door and decapitated it's head off. I saw the other problem. There was a board loose and the Walkers were crawling through, thankfully, it took a long time for them to get in.
I walked over as a Walker was trying to get in. Lee walked out and followed me. He stood beside me as I stabbed the walker in the head. I kicked the walker back out of the hole and grabbed a board and hammer.
Lee helped and we boarded up the former route, of the walkers, to the house. I took of my blue shirt since the sun was beating down on me. I had my black tanktop on still and layed on the hamock we found next to the house. Lee leaned against the tree and we were silent for a long time.
Lee broke the silence, "Hey Clem," He started. "Did Kenny survive?" He asked. Physically, not mentally. I hesitated, then nodded, acting like I was just answering, but Lee knew me better than that.
He tilted his head, noticing my hesitation, "Was he still tramatized by his wife and son's deaths?" He asked. I bit my lip, thinking about it. Oh Sarita, I wish there was some way to bring you back to Kenny!
I looked down, not wanting Lee to see my watering eyes, "K-Kenny had a girlfriend.... H-Her name was Sarita... She... She... W-Was bitten and...." I bit my lip hard. I tasted the metallic taste in my mouth as I felt Lee's hand on my shoulder.
He made me look up, "What happened after that?" He asked, patient as ever. "I-I had to cut her hand off and.... The W-Walkers bit her and we had to leave her... K-Kenny blamed me for Sarita's death."
Lee pulled me close and held me in his arms while I cried in his chest. Even though Kenny did forgive me for trying to do the right thing, I still felt guilt gnawing at my heart.
Lee tensed and looked around, his eyes darting from the windows to doors. I wiped my eyes and looked around. I saw nothing. ".... Lee?" I asked, nervous.
He took out his pistol and looked around again, "I hear Walkers." He mumbled under his voice. I unsheathed my katana and listened. The undead groans of Walkers were close, closer than they should be.
I silently walked over to a window and looked. There were giant gaps open on the once-sturdy fence, practically saying "FLESH BUFFET ENTRANCE HERE!"
Oh great. Nothing seems to be going our way, again. They started banging on the door and Lee blocked the door with a shelf, "Clementine! We need to find a way out!!" He exclaimed.
I nodded and we both looked for an escape route. He pointed to the other entrance, one with no Walkers. I nodded as he held the doorknob, ready for our great escape.

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