Chapter Two

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*one week later*

This has become total chaos again.
So basically, the apocalypse happened again. And, like those news people predicted, they struck Savannah. That shot thing didn't work at all. I guess it was suppose to keep anyone who dies any other way, besides by Walkers, a nice, peaceful death like how it use to be.
It doesn't protect us from Walkers at all. I've been in my house for a week now. I chuckled at myself as I remembered. My vacation ended yesterday. Oh well, I can't go to work.
I was so tempted to get on the phone and call work, saying I can't make it 'cause the apocalypse started again. I loved pissing Mr. Jones off.
I heard moaning and growling again. I cursed under my breath and ducked down, hiding myself, making sure I didn't make a sound. That's the good thing about being solo, you only have to take care of yourself.
I had my pistol loaded in it's holster on my belt, while my dagger was strapped to my leg, a hidden blade in my sleeve, and my katana out. I was going to go loot some abandon homes, and maybe a store or two. That's the downside of being solo, less items you can carry.
I grabbed my Coyote Bag, plus a canteen, and energy bar. I ddin't want to grab much, in case I have to make a quick escape. I just grab what I need and maybe a few extra things.
I opened the back door, thankful that the fence has held. It reminded me of the one I had when I lived with Mom and Dad. I guess that's one reason why I wanted it.
I climbed over the fence, I didn't want to risk having it unlocked. I checked around the block, making sure the coast was clear. I sheathed my katana in it's sheath and quietly ran across the road. There were Walkers, but they didn't notice me, hopefully.
I walked to the corner store two blocks away from home. It was a Valero gas station. You could tell it wasn't that much ransacked. Alot of food was still left, like junk food and such. I didn't care. To me, it was still food.
I grabbed as much as I could, plus medicine, water, matches, and all those necessities. My pack wasn't as heavy as I thought, but it bulging with food. I walked out as I heard shuffling of feet, growling, and that stench. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I quickly climbed onto the metal trashcan and climbed onto the roof of a SUV. I watched as a herd of Walkers passed by. There were eight of them, two were children.
That broke my heart. It's tough seeing children, innocent children, as Walkers. They didn't deserve this. None of us did. I tensed as I heard gun shots, but they were far away. The herd below didn't hear it, they just kept shuffling north, out of Savannah, toward the ports.
I waited til they were gone and the street was clear of Walkers. I felt sorry for whoever shot, they were probably dead by now. Even with a machine gun, you couldn't beat the Walkers, if there were so many of them.
I made it home, thankfully, didn't have to murder any Walkers. I sorted everything out and made sure my blades were sharp and everything was loaded.
I was actually thinking of going to a stronghild like Wellington. But I remembered how full it was when Kenny, Alvie, and I went. This house was strong enough.
I snapped back to reality when I heard gunshots, closer now. Oh great. Please don't come any closer, please.

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