Chapter Nine

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(Lee's POV)

I counted to three and opened the door. There were some Walkers a couple yards away from us as we bolted out of the house and out of the area. We ran for the fields, hoping this would help us a little.
I was about to tell Clementine that we should head for the woods, but I remembered the tied Walker and all that cover. Who knows how many Walkers could be hiding in that undergrowth!
Clementine kept checking behind us as we ran, trying to judge how far away we were from that farm. Thankfully, we grabbed most of the canned food.
I stopped running and looked around, Clementine nearly tripping from the sudden stop. I steaded Clementine and looked around. There wasn't really anything out here. No trees, no streams, nothing.
There was really only rocks, dead grass, and that was all, literally. Clementine sat on one of the bigger, flat rocks and looked around, "This reminds me of the field I had to wait for Omid and Christa." She said, her eyes full of grief. Did something happen to them?
"What happened to Omid and Christa?" I asked. She tensed as she looked at the horizon, "O-Omid was shot by a girl when she was robbing me. Christa came in when she heard the shot and killed the girl with her shotgun," She paused. "Christa was pregnant and... The baby didn't live. Christa was depressed most of the time. We were making our way to Wellington when a band of thieves tried stealing from us. Christa told me to run and... I don't know what happened to her."
I shook my head. Omid is dead, Christa could be anywhere. I ran down the list of names in my head of who I knew.


I knew for certain that Shawn, Doug, Carley, Mark, Omid, Ben, Chuck, Duck and Katjaa were all dead. I didn't know about Christa, Glenn, Lilly, and Kenny. I knew that Kenny would survive, that damn redneck. Lilly would've too, but since we left her in the middle of the road after she shot Carley, I highly doubted it. I hoped Hershel and his wife were still alive, they were good people.
Clementine climbed onto a taller rock and scanned the region. She pulled out her map while I looked for any signs of Walkers. Clementine tensed then looked at her map, then back in the direction that she was looking at.
She quickly jumped down, "Lee! I found a place where we could stay for the night!" She said, excitedly. Shelter? "It's about half-mile away, but we could make it out there by sunset, see?" She said as I climbed onto the rock and in her direction.
Not bad. I jumped down and smiled, "Nice job, kiddo." I said and pulled her bill down again. She yelped and fixed her hat, glaring playfully at me, but her eyes still shined like they did when she was in first grade.
It was that sparkle in a little kid's eyes when they are thrilled to be praised for something they did good. Although, it didn't go along with thirty-six year old Clementine. Clem, you grew up too fast. I wish I was there for you.
I looked up, as though checking the skies for rain clouds, but I sent a silent prayer. Please, keep Clementine and I safe. I want to be there for her, especially now, since I wasn't there before.
Clementine pulled on my sleeve, "Come on, Lee! Let's hurry!" She said. I smiled a little as I followed her. Clementine, I promise. This time, I won't leave you. I promise.

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