The Inside of His Heart

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We finally came back home.The doctors told us that my grandfather is gonna be okay and that he can go home.

I can't wait to go back home and I'm so glad that today I don't have to go to school since we came back home late.After we settled down and unpacked, Stephen texted me that he was gonna come see me after school today. I still can't believe that I finally recognized that was Stephen when he was little and I wonder who passed away. I was wandering around in my room trying to find something to do becuase I was soooo bored. I was walking to my closet until I tripped and fell on the floor. "Ow..what the hell is this?" I said looking behind me.

I tripped on a binder that I had under my bed.I got up,sat on my bed and I opened the binder to find my awards from when I was younger and class photos.

I was going through the binder when I found a photo of Rebecca and I on my 7th birthday party. Sometimes I kinda miss being friends with her but now she's just a bitch. I'm still deciding to keep or burn the photo. Maybe I'll just keep it for now.

I was still going through the binder, when I see a photo of Rebecca,Stephen, me and the other kids in our grade. On top of the photo was a foldable that had everyone signatures and nice little comments. I saw Stephen signature after reading some of the others and on the bottom he wrote "Your amazing,funny,smart and cute.I hope you have a great summer!"I started blushing like crazy. I can't believe he actually wrote that on it and I don't even remember it. Wow,time does fly-by.

***Later that day ***

I was still in my room playing on my phone until Stephen came in.

"Hi love."Stephen said,while slowly closing the door.

"Hey babe I missed you" I said smiling and setting my phone down on my dresser.

"I missed you too"Stephen said grining.

I got up to give Stephen a hug and a small kiss but he decided he wanted to make-out.

"What do you want to do babe?" Stephen said after I broke our kiss.

"Let's watch a movie" I said grabbing his hand and leading us to the bed.

We started watching Chicken Little becuase, who doesn't love that movie!I also wanted to ask Stephen about what he meant by "I know how it feels to lose someone" in his text message.

"Stephen?" I said turning my attention to Stephen.

"Yes kat"Stephen said giving me his attention also.

"What did you meant by 'I know how it feels to lose someone' in your text message?" I asked looking away.

I looked back at Stephen and he looked sad and heartbroken.Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"When I was younger...I was in my room playing a game, my mom was cooking, my sister was downstairs, and....and my dad was on a business trip. All of a sudden my mom heard on the news that a plane crash had happen. When we heard of where the plane was going we knew that my father was on that plane. My mom was crying and waiting to see if she would get a call from the police to see if my dad was alive. We got a call from the police saying that he was dead. They had shipped his body here so we could have a funeral for him. A month after he past away, I went through depression and I had anxiety. I always wanted to hurt myself because I was very close to my dad. I thought if I hurted myself, maybe one day I'll be with him forever but I had to stand up and be the man in the house for my mother and sister. Kat, that's why I wanted to help you with the anxiety and help you when your grandfather when he was in the hospital because I know how it feels" Stephen said,with his eyes watery.

After what Stephen said I couldn't stop crying I can't believe he lost his father at a young age and had anxiety becuase of it. I gave him a hug and held on to him tightly. He started to cry and I couldn't stop crying becuase of what he went through.

"I will always be there for you Katherine ,no matter what"Stephen said kissing my Forehead.

"I love you Stephen and I will always, always be there for you."I said kissing his lips.

After both of us were done crying, we went back to watching the movie. I feel so bad for Stephen. I still can't believe it. I realize that even though Stephen is the popular guy on the outside, in the inside, he has gone through so much but he's strong. Especially during what happen in the past.
I hope you enjoyed!Poor Stephen.He's been through so much.Thank goodness Katherine's there!


。a wonderful day.


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