The dare

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As soon as I woke up and took a shower, I got dressed to go to the mall with Jennifer.

I put a grey shirt with jeans and my grey converse. I left my hair natural as always , and then I grabbed my keys and my phone before I walked out the door.

I got into my car and drove to Jennifer house. When I got there,she ran outside with a big smile and got into my car on the passengers side. When we got to the mall,we decided to eat something before we shop like crazy .What?You need energy for a full out shopping day,its a fact.

When we sat down I started telling Jennifer what happen,about our date and how perfect it was.

"OMG he totally likes you."

"You think."I said,kind of knowing he does.

"For sure. Especially the way he looks at you ,like your the only girl in the world .Now that's cute .I totally ship you two .I wonder what you guys ship name would be?"She said deep in thought,mumbling some ship names for me and Stephen under her breath.

"I just wish he would broke up with Rebecca already .She's just a spoil bitch."I said having an annoyed face.

"Yeah,she is exactly that .Lol, I got a ship name for her."Jennifer giggled.



"Shebecca?Her and who?"I asked confused.

"Rebecca and Shit. They make the perfect couple."

Me and Jennifer were laughing so hard .They were a good fit. Can you pair any other two perfect matches then them two?

"Wait isn't that Rebecca and Stephen right there."Jennifer asked looking behind me.

I turn around and saw that it was them holding hands. I got so mad and jealous. They were both walking into jcpenny.

"Hey Katherine."


"You wanna ease drop on them? It'll be fun and we can finally get to see what a spy feels like."She smiled big.


It was a crazy idea but it kind of killed me not knowing what Rebecca and Stephen were laughing about.

Jennifer and I got closer to them to hear what they were saying ,trying to be unnoticed.

"Why did you go on a date with that lonely loser."Rebecca asked Stephen.

Probably because he's sick of your complaining.

"It was a dare babe.The guys from practice wanted me to go on a date with someone and I decided to choose her."

I can't believe it. He never liked me at all !I couldn't take it anymore,his words were hurting me .I walked out of the store crying ,with Jennifer right behind me,trying to catch up with me.

"I'm sorry Katherine,I shouldn't have even came up with that plan."She said looking mad .I didn't know if she was mad at Stephen or herself.

"It's ok it's not your fault.I was just setting myself up for a broken heart,thinking that there was a chance someone would actually like me .let's just go home."

After we left the mall,I dropped off Jennifer and went back home.

I never want to see Stephen but I have to go to school on Monday.That's a big problem.

Hope you enjoyed!Don't you just want to kick Stephen were the sun don't shine!?!
I'm pretty sure you do.


。a wonderful day.


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