Chapter 19- Saved x By x Killua

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"What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?"

Before I knew it, Killua was directly in front of me. With barely a gesture, he grabbed the knife Leo was holding and flung it across the room before it pierced the wall, which was several metres away from us, making us all jump in surprise. However, Leo still had a tight grip on me and I had a funny feeling that maybe even Killua would have a hard time getting him off me. His eyes looked... Darker. I could feel his strong radiating bloodlust, but all that Leo saw was that he was half the size of him and looked weaker.

"Killua, don't." I said sternly. He froze for a second but then nodded, understanding.

"Back off, man." Said Leo, digging his fingernails into my arms and making me cry out in pain. "She's mine now, and if you try anything funny I'll hurt her." That's when I realised- Killua couldn't use his nen around these people. They couldn't know too much about it if they were planning on becoming hunters. He had to leave it to his raw power and skill. I gulped. I had no idea how strong he was, or what he might do to Leo. He rubbed his arm up and down my arm and then my thigh, making me shudder even more and more tears to come out my eyes. Killua suddenly grabbed Leo's body and twisted it round in the other direction, causing me to fall into his arms. Tia was just standing there with her mouth half open in shock. I wasn't expecting it to be so easy for him without his nen supporting him.

Leo came in for a punch, but the silverette easily dodged his attack by moving his head by an inch and chopped his back a single time, causing him to fall to the ground.

"If you ever touch my girlfriend again, you're dead." He growled, holding me tighter. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed. He sat down on the floor with me on his lap and hugged me gently, his eyes half shut. I felt safe around him. He looked more worried than ever, which just made me feel even worse.

"Killua." I said, giving him a half- hearted smile.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Tia asked, clearly impressed. "He has some mad skill! That ones a keeper." She laughed and I laughed along with her, and the silver haired boy gave her a small smile.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier." He apologised, kissing my forehead. "When I couldn't see you outside, I panicked and searched the whole outside area and also got caught up with a lot of..."

"Girls?" Tia guessed, grinning. "Who could blame them?" Killua blushed while I laughed at him.

"Thank you for saving us, Killua." I said, hugging him.

"If he even looks at you again, tell me, okay? I hate to see other people hurting my Y/n." He kissed my temple and played with my hair before picking me up bridal style again and walking out the building. I smiled. Tia ran off to her mothers car, waving us goodbye.

"We've been together for- what- 2 days?" I giggled sweetly, resting my head on his chest. I could feel the muscles under his shirt.

"I know, but it feels like longer, ba-ka." He replied in monotone. I smiled even brighter at his adorable words, and took the bold of leaning upwards and kissing him directly on his lips. His eyes widened for a second before he melted into the kiss. He broke it, both of us breathing heavily. "Y/n... from now on I'll always be there for you, no matter what. I'll never let this happen to you ever again. Understand?" I nodded, sinking back into his arms and breathing in his familiar chocolatey scent.

"I trust you." Before I knew it, I was dozing off in his arms.


I woke up on a double bed, yawning. I checked the time. 3:27am. I'd been asleep since six yesterday. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and pull me up against their chest. I immediately knew it was Killua. He nuzzled his face into my neck, sighing.

"You're awake." He said. I turned to face him and cupped his cheek in my hand, feeling his smooth skin. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Why are you awake?"

"I had a bad dream about you." He began to kiss my neck softly, making me shudder with happiness.

"Tell me about it?" I asked, stretching my neck out to give him more room.

"It was weird. You were eaten by something. It looked like a giant ant but not really." I giggled at his childish dream.

"Well I'm not being eaten by an ant anytime soon. I'm staying right here." I replied. After a couple tries the silverette managed to get my soft spot, making a moan escape my mouth. He stopped kissing me, satisfied, and began playing with my h/c hair.

"You should get some sleep, Y/n." He suddenly said. "I called in when we got back and asked if you could skip school, but they said they needed parents permission. I'm sorry- I really tried to change their minds."

"No, I should go back tomorrow or I'll never be able to." I said quickly. "Besides, I want to show that Leo guy that I'm not afraid of him." He nodded in approval but he suddenly went serious again.

"If any boy so much as touches you I'll-"

"It's okay, Killua." I interjected. "No one will. And even if they do, I know a certain handsome boy will save me." I beamed and ran my hand through his soft silver hair. It was then that I looked down and realised I was in my pyjamas. Did he...?

"You pervert!" I yelled at him. "Did you change me!" He flinched but then a smirk played on his lips.

"Relax, Y/n. I kept your... Undergarments on." He laughed. I double checked, but he was right- he had kept them on. I sighed in relief.

"I'm glad you didn't take advantage of me, idiot."

"I just wanted you to be comfortable."

"That's no excuse!" I pouted at him.

"Sorry, sorry! I won't do it again." He gave me puppy eyes, which I obviously couldn't avoid.


"Go to sleep, Baka." He said, turning away from me. I nodded once before I felt my eyes close again. I just hoped that school tomorrow would be okay.


Aye thAT CLIFFHANGER AT THE END OF THE LAST CHAPTER THO xD I just really like cliffhangers. Three updates within 24 hours!:O I've really been getting into this story recently though. Hope you liked this chapter minna!^-^

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You (Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now