Chapter 10

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You wake up, stretching in the extremely comfortable bed. Most Demons didn't sleep, but as a newbie you still enjoyed a couple of hours each night. Crowley was sitting on the couch, watching TV with the sound turned down low. You quietly climb out of bed, tip toeing over to him. Standing behind him, you wrap your arms around his silk pajama clad chest, and nuzzle his neck.

He leans back, moving his face so your lips meet his instead of his neck. It was a slow, steady kiss, and you wanted to crawl over the couch to sit in his lap, but his attention ws pulled away from you when he heard something come up on the news.

"This just in, all customers and employees of the bar the Watering Hole were found brutally murdered this morning. We will bring you more information as it becomes available."

Crowley pulled you around the couch, tucking you in next to him. "See Y/N, this is why we have to be careful."

You nod, ashamed at yourself for letting your blood thirst get away from you. Starting to apologize, you were rudely interrupted by Crowley's phone.

"What?" He barks into the phone. He listens to the other person before replying, "Fine, I will be right there."

He slams his phone on the table before turning to face you. "I'm sorry Darling, but I'm needed in Hell. Can you keep yourself out of trouble for a while? "

You nod, wanting to make Crowley proud. He vanishes, and you decide to go visit a coffee shop, just to observe humans. You change into a nice light and airy blouse, along with a pair of capris. It was supposed to be warm today, and even though the heat didn't bother you, you wanted to blend in.

You transport yourself into an alley, a short walk away from the local coffee shop. Buying a muffin and a Mexican hot chocolate, you claim one of the outside tables, enjoying the view. As you sip your hot chocolate, you grab a newspaper off the next table, feeling a little proud as you see your story on the front page.

Sitting there comfortably, you are annoyed but also intrigued by the sound of a loud engine driving down the road. It belongs to a long black car, which pulls to a stop in front of the coffee shop. Feeling uneasy, you lift the paper a little higher, trying to hide behind it. Three men get out, one tall with shaggy brown hair, who you felt an instant attraction to. The driver was a little shorter with spikey hair, and a hypnotizing pair of green eyes. The third one had dark hair, and crystal blue eyes, and he was wearing a trench coat. They walked in front of you, heading into the coffee shop. The taller one glanced your way, staring at you for a second too long. He shakes his head, as if to clear his mind, before following the other two in.

Deciding you should leave before they come back out, you gulp down your hot chocolate, enjoying the burning sensation as it slid down your throat. You push your chair back then freeze, as they come walking back out, grabbing a table close to yours. You once again hide your face behind the newspaper, wishing you could transport away right now.

The green eyed one spoke first. "So what are we thinking? Demons?"

The long haired one agreed, while studying his computer screen. "I think so. Which means they could be long gone by now."

The trench coated one squinted in confusion. "I don't think so. I can sense one still in the town, a very powerful one. I just can't get a location."

He could sense you? What were these people. Thinking fast, you decide you should follow them, and kill them. If they were powerful enough to sense you, it was a Queens duty to protect the other Demons.

You stayed and waited for them to climb back into their car, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Sam, did you notice Crowley acted a little strange last time? Maybe he's behind this?"

Sam must be the tall, one, you thought, because he answered.

"Why would Crowley be behind it? He has a bunch of evil minions to do his work for him."

So they knew Crowley, that made things interesting. You listened as they decided to split up, Sam was heading back to the motel, while the other two were going to the morgue. Deciding to follow Sam, you stayed back a ways, as he walked down the sidewalk. He did glance back once or twice, and you would duck into a shop, proud of your trailing abilities.

He made his way torwards a small motel, nothing compared to the one you and Crowley were staying in. He walks inside room 14, and you decide to walk around back, where the bathrrom should be located. You were correct, and the window was propped open, so you could somewhat hear everything going on in the room.

Sam was on the phone, and you could barely make out his part of the conversation. "Dean ...stuck to your shoe...yeah I Franklin street....bye."

You hear the front door open, and you knew Sam had left. What did he get stuck to his shoe? Maybe he was buying new ones at that address. Still deciding to follow him, you take a different route to the address, noting it was an old abandoned warehouse. Getting a weird feeling, you decide to go in. After all, you are the Queen of Hell, with bad ass powers. It was only mid afternoon so the natural light shown in, illuminating your way down the dusty hallway, littered with broken glass, and other unidentifiable objects. Making your way into the main room, you were surprised at how quiet it was, maybe you heard wrong and lost them.

You turn the corner, acting carelessly as you decide to leave. A hand grabs your arm, pulling you into the room, and you react in shock, taking the knife Crowley had given you as part of your coronation present, and stab behind you, earning a grunt in response.

"Sam!" You hear as two pairs of footsteps come rushing toward you, one reaching Sam, while the other tried to hold you captive.

You look down, seeing the shaggy haired man, Sam you remembered, laying on the ground, blood slowing leaving the stab wound on his stomach. But that wasn't what surprised you, it was the look on his face.

"Y/N?" He whispered.

"How the hell do you know who I am?" You demanded.

He smiled at you, blood staining his teeth. "Is it really you?"

You were shocked that he knew who you were, and mad that the trench coat guy had you locked in his grasp. So mad in fact, that your eyes flashed black, and you growled in anger. Sam recoiled, as the guy standing next to him cussed loudly.

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